1、利用netsh,winsock,reset,命令修复网络应用错误篇一:重置 winsocknetsh winsock resetwin sock是Wi ndows网络编程接口,win sock工作在应用层,它提供与底层传输协议无关 的高层数据传输编程接口 netsh winsock reset 是把它恢复到默认状态中文名重置 Winsock 目录外文名ResettingWinsockCatalogue目录 1 简介重置 Winsock...
C:\>netsh winsock reset Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the machinein order to complete the reset. 能上QQ,而不能打开网页的解决方法!~~ 开始->运行->输入cmd回车 直接输入:netsh int ip reset回车 然后再输入:netsh winsock reset回车 ...
利用netsh,winsock,reset,命令修复网络应用错误篇一:重置 winsock netsh winsock reset winsock 是 Windows 网络编程接口, winsock 工作在应用层,它提供与底层传输协议无关的高层数据传输编程接口 netsh winsock reset 是把它恢复到默认状态中文名重置 Winsock 目录外文名 ResettingWinsockCatalogue 目录 1简介 2 重置 ...
Type in the following command: ‘netsh winsock reset’ and press enter You should see the following message: ‘Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. You must restart the computer in order to complete the reset.’ Restart the computer and check if your issue has been resolved. ...
What Is The Use Of Netsh Winsock Reset Command? If the Winsock Catalog of network service providers is damaged, or includes a malicious service provider, you may not be able to connect to the internet. The netsh winsock reset command is used to repair the Winsock Catalog – it resets Window...
Netsh 命令语法、上下文和格式 | Microsoft Learn Windows 中的 netsh 是一个命令行实用程序,用于配置和监视网络参数,例如网络接口、防火墙、IPsec、无线网络等。netsh 是 Network Shell 的缩写,可以通过命令行或脚本文件来执行各种网络相关操作。
To reset the winsock to the default configuration use netsh winsock reset catalog Note that any installed software that uses Internet connections may be partially disabled by this action and have to be reinstalled. This would include most software that updates itself and anti-virus programs that ...
The reset command restores the Winsock Catalog to a clean state. After the command is run, all Winsock LSPs that were previously installed must be reinstalled. This command does not affect Winsock Name Space Provider entries. show catalog
用法:netsh[-a AliasFile][-c Context][-r RemoteMachine][-u[DomainName\]UserName][-p Password|*][Command|-f ScriptFile]#下列指令有效此上下文中的命令:..-移到上一层上下文级。?-显示命令列表。 abort-丢弃在脱机模式下所做的更改。 add-在项目列表上添加一个配置项目。