netsh winhttp commandWhere command is the command that you want to run, including all of the required parameters for the command.For information on how to interpret netsh command syntax, see Formatting Legend.This section contains the following commands:flush logbuffer import proxy rese...
wfp - 更改到 `netsh wfp' 上下文。winhttp - 更改到 `netsh winhttp' 上下文。winsock - 更改到 `netsh winsock' 上下文。wlan - 更改到 `netsh wlan' 上下文。 共有下列的子上下文可用: advfirewall、branchcache、bridge、dhcpclient、dnsclient、firewall、http、interface、ipsec、lan、mbn、namespace、netio...
winhttp - Change to the 'netsh winhttp' context. netsh winhttp dump - Display a configuration script. netsh winhttp import - Import WinHTTP proxy settings. netsh winhttp reset - Reset WinHTTP settings. netsh winhttp set - Configure WinHTTP settings. netsh winhttp show - Display currents se...
分支缓存配置:branchcache用于配置分支缓存功能。 HTTP 配置:http用于配置 HTTP 相关设置。 网络管理:netio和winsock用于网络输入输出和套接字配置。 RAS 配置:ras用于配置远程访问服务。 Windows HTTP 配置:winhttp用于配置 Windows HTTP 服务。 通过这种表格化的方式,可以帮助用户快速理解和定位到需要的命令和功能区域。
reset proxy 重置跟踪 将WinHTTP 跟踪参数重置为默认设置。 语法 reset tracing 注解 下面是默认的 WinHTTP 跟踪参数: 参数值 Tracing state已禁用 trace-file-prefix无 output文件 level默认值 formatAnsi max-trace-file-size65535 set advproxy 配置WinHTTP 高级代理设置。 请注意,不支持 SOCKS5。 另请参阅show...
For information on how to interpret netsh command syntax, seeFormatting Legend. This section contains the following commands: flush logbuffer import proxy reset proxy reset tracing set proxy set tracing show proxy show tracing Netsh winhttp commands ...
为cmd/powershell设置代理netsh winhttp set proxy 取消代理netsh winhttp reset proxy 查看代理netsh winhttp show proxy 使用命令行加配置文件的方式连接wifi看似没什么卵用,实际用处非常大,比如可以直接在C#中通过此方式取得可连接wifi列表,相比封装的ManagedWifi要简洁得多 ...
winhttp Changes to the 'netsh winhttp' context. dump Displays a configuration script. help Displays a list of commands. import Imports WinHTTP proxy settings. reset Resets WinHTTP settings. set Configures WinHTTP settings. show Displays currents settings. winsock Changes to the 'netsh winsock' co...
winhttp-更改到`netsh winhttp' 上下文。 winsock - 更改到`netsh winsock' 上下文。 wlan-更改到 `netsh wlan' 上下文。下列的子上下文可用:advfirewall branchcache bridge dhcpclient dnsclient firewall httpinterfaceipseclan mbn namespace nap netio p2p ras rpc trace wcn wfp winhttp winsock wlan ...
Documentation Issue Currently on WSL 2 it's necessary to add a port proxy with PowerShell in order to access servers running on it in your LAN. This relevant section on the docs has the following snippet netsh interface portproxy add v4t...