"netlink error: operation not permitted" 错误解析 1. 错误含义 "netlink error: operation not permitted" 是一个系统错误,表明尝试执行的操作由于权限不足而被拒绝。Netlink 是一种在 Linux 内核与用户空间进程之间进行通信的机制,通常用于配置网络接口、路由、防火墙规则等。这个错误通常出现在尝试执行需要更高权...
I see "Netlink: error: Operation not permitted, type=(20), seq=1474249733, pid=0", but how to fix it? keepalived.conf are: keepalived.conf global_defs { notification_email { root@localhost } notification_email_from root@localhost smtp_server stmp_connect_timeout 30 router_id ...
05.8434 error daemon/session/network : NewTunnelVIF: netlink.RuleAdd: operation not permitted 2023-12-12 16:23:05.8434 error daemon/session/network : goroutine "/daemon/session/network" exited with error: NewTunnelVIF: netlink.RuleAdd: operation not permitted 2023-12-12 16:23:05.8435 info ...
6. If this error message appears, ignore it. The error appears because the script was unable to stop the PC NetLink service. It was unable to stop the service because it was not running. Error when trying to stop Solaris(TM) PC NetLink. Solaris (TM) PC NetLink processes were not ...
For example, an Error event would be logged if a service was not loaded during SunLink Server startup.Warning - Events that are not necessarily significant, but that indicate possible future problems. For example, a Warning event would be logged that the server is low on key resources....
# 编译方法 进入 wpa_cli_wrapper/wpa_supplicant-2.6/wpa_supplicant 目录,执行 make -f Makefile.wrapper, 在当前目录下生成 libwpa_cli_wrapper.a 和 libwpa_cli_wrapper_test;如果遇到提示类似“致命错误:netlink/genl/genl.h:没有那个文件或目录 ”的错误,请安装libnl库重试。 # 如何使用 设置 /etc/wpa...
Could not create AF_NETLINK socket (Permission denied) Thanks for your efforts. I did further testing and can confirm that the error messages aren't the cause of the crash. The logs are excessive but not fatal. Unfortunately that's put me back to square one to find the reason for the ...