netiquette 意思是: 网络礼仪; "网络上合适的风格和礼仪",于1993年诙谐地创造自缩写词net,它是internet和etiquette的组合。
First recorded in 1980–85; blend ofnetworkandetiquette Word of the Day Quiz Q: “Aquarius” comes from Latin, meaning … “water-carrier”: depicted as a person carrying a vessel of water and letting water flow from it. “goat-horned”: the constellation is actually known as the Goat-fi...
Netiquette means Internet etiquette. It combines the words "net" and "etiquette," which refers to expectations of users' behavior on the Internet. Unfortunately, poor netiquette runs rampant on the web. Some examples of poor netiquette would include spamming friends with email that is unwanted or...
NETIQUETTE is a slang term. NETIQUETTE stands for Etiquette on the internet. UrduPoint provides the NETIQUETTE slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
From Longman Business Dictionarynet‧i‧quette/ˈnetɪket/noun[uncountable]informalcorrectways ofbehavingwhen communicating with people on the Internet, for example not beingrudeor using badlanguage OriginNetiquette(1900-2000)Net+etiquette
Netiquette is often referred to asetiquette for the internet. These are not legally binding rules, butrecommended rules of etiquette. Netiquette is mostly used for dealing with unknown people on the internet. Therules of netiquettevery depending on theplatformand itsparticipants. Generally, it is up...
Howtofollowthenetiquette3.Businesse-mailcommunicationetiquette 第2页/共89页 Contents 1 Leadin 2 ReadingA 3 ReadingB 4 ReadingC 5 Exercises 第3页/共89页 Warming-up Doyourecognizethesechatabbreviations(oracronyms),trytomatcheach withitscorrespondingmeaning.IMO ForYourInformation KIT berightback BRB ...
Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. ...
"Netiquette"isnetworketiquette,thedo'sand don'tsofonlinecommunication.Netiquettecovers bothcommoncourtesyonlineandtheinformal "rulesoftheroad"ofcyberspace. Introduction WhatisNetiquette? Simplystated,it'snetworketiquette-- thatis,theetiquetteofcyberspace. “Etiquette”means“theformsrequiredbygoodbreedingor prescri...
Bits-of-Knowledge-2009-08-02&08-08 Netiquette Theterm"netiquette",acombinationof"net"and"etiquette",referstoanunderstoodagreementofsocialguide..