On BUILD: (network_id) specifies the network name of the host coded on the NETID start option. This operand is required for NCP V4R3 and later releases. On HOST: (network_id) specifies a 1–8 character name that identifies the network containing the corresponding host node. It is used ...
Reviews NetID 4.1, Internet Protocol (IP) address software from Nortel Networks. The use of Java applets in the user interface; Ease of use; Features and capabilities; Performance; Price. INSETS: IP Address Management;Know the No-Shows;To SQL or Not To SQL?.BallardJeffNetwork Computing...
Features Bay Networks Inc.'s multiadministration platform NetID 4.0 for Internet protocol address management. Range of the product's applications; NetID's functional features; Retail price and market availability.KujubuLauraEBSCO_AspInfoworld