GOVERNMENT The Netherlands is republic with a constitutional monarchy. The Dutch monarchy dates back toPrince William of Orangein the 16th century.King Willem-Alexanderis the reigning monarch. The Dutch parliament called theStates Generalhas two houses. The 150 members of ...
Belgiumto the south, and Germany to the east. The capital and largest city in the Netherlands is Amsterdam, while the seat of government and therefore most government activity is in the Hague. In its entirety, the Netherlands
Democratic republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them. Dictatorship - a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution or laws). ...
The Hague: Martinus Nighoff, 223-248.Andeweg, R. B., Th. Vander Tak and K. Dittrich (1980) 'Government Form- ation in the Netherlands' in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economy and Politics of the Netherlands since 1945 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff), pp. 223--49....
The Government of Amsterdam consists of several territorial and functional forms of local and regional government. Mapcarta, the open map.
Official nameKingdom of the Netherlands Form of governmentParliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy Head of StateKing Willem-Alexander King of the Netherlands Prince of Orange-Nassau CapitalAmsterdam Seat of governmentThe Hague Surface area33.800 km2 ...
Country Profile: Updated form of government. World Data Editors May 25, 2016 Added locator map to the Introduction. Michael Ray May 05, 2016 Replaced photograph. Amy Tikkanen Aug 25, 2015 Added video. Amy Tikkanen May 08, 2015 Added video. ...
Government The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy as its form of government. The country's official name is Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, meaing the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The head of state is a king or queen, but the monarch is mainly symbolic, having no real political power. The...
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荷兰中央政府(Government of Netherlands) 13、贸易政策 荷兰外贸主管部门为外交部国际经济关系总司,负责荷兰的对外贸易政策制定及协调 荷兰是欧盟成员国,执行欧盟共同贸易政策。对大部分进出口商品不加限制,对某些来自非欧盟国家的产品实行进口管制 ...