GS308E 8-PortGigabitEthernetPlusSOHOSwitch JGS516PE 16-PortGigabitEthernetPlusSwitchwith8PortsPoE JGS524Ev2 24-PortGigabitEthernetPlusSwitch JGS524PE 24-PortGigabitEthernetPlusSwitchwith 12PortsPoE Hardware 8 UserManual GigabitEthernetPlusSwitches StatusLEDs ThissectiondescribesthestatusLEDsforeachswitchmodel...
• Fan-less design on GS308T/GS310TP/ GS324T; GS324TP and GS348T has max acoustic noise level at 32.8dB and 26dB respectively under 25°C (77°F) ambient Powerful Connectivity and Security Features • Advanced VLAN support for better network segmentation • L2/L3/L4 Access control ...
Once you power up the Netgear GS110EMX, the switch has DHCP on as default. As a result, if you plug it into a network with DHCP services, it will get an IP. You can connect to that IP directly or find the switch using a tool like the Netgear Switch Discovery Tool, and login. Th...