netgear genie app是一款功能强大的安卓软件,专为netgear路由器用户设计,可轻松实现家庭网络的监控、管理和优化。用户通过这款app,可以直观地查看和管理家庭网络状态,轻松调整网络设置,享受更流畅、更安全的上网体验。 软件特色 1. 实时网络监控:genie app能够实时显示网络状态,包括设备连接情况、网络速度等,让用户随时掌...
netgear genie app是一款功能强大的安卓软件,专为netgear路由器用户设计,可轻松实现家庭网络的监控、管理和优化。用户通过这款app,可以直观地查看和管理家庭网络状态,轻松调整网络设置,享受更流畅、更安全的上网体验。 软件特色 1. 实时网络监控:genie app能够实时显示网络状态,包括设备连接情况、网络速度等,让用户随时...
NETGEAR Genieis a free app for Android that belongs to the categoryTools, and has been developed by NETGEAR Inc.. More about NETGEAR Genie This app is best known for the following features and qualities: file manager & barcode scanner, playing music, wifi connection. People sayfaster than the...
GenieNETGEAR Genie App has been upgraded to the NIGHTHAWK WiFi app. Category Page CustomizationsAnnouncements • Introducing NETGEAR WiFi 7 Orbi 770 Series and Nighthawk RS300 • What is WiFi 7? • Orbi WiFi 7 (Black Edition) • Orbi WiFi 7 Key Features • What is Quad Band?
Netgear Genie 2.4.64 startet nicht R7000 Log Daten vom Switch GS108Ev3 Habe knapp 500 Geräte "Genie Media Server" & " PC:... A6210 Verbindet sich nicht mit den 5G Wlan Wichtig: Die NETGEAR Genie App wird nicht mehr akt...
Nighthawk App makes it easy for you to install your router and get quick access to your network information. Features include: 1 One simple management dashboard View the status of your network, notifications, and all the features your router offers ...
The NETGEAR genie app does not work if your mobile device is connected to the router’s guest network. The NETGEAR genie only works when your mobile device is connected to a NETGEAR router that is in router mode, not in access point mode. The NETGEAR genie app does not work with a wire...
Nighthawk App makes it easy for you to install your router and get quick access to your network information. Features include: 1 One simple management dashboard View the status of your network, notifications, and all the features your router offers ...