首先在“高级>高级设置》远程管理”中打开远程管理,如果R6400作为一级路由并且有公网IP,即可在任意外网直接输入此网址访问。 ▼ 如果路由器的公网IP不是固定的,可以到“高级>动态DNS”中开启动态DNS服务,可以使用已有的NETGEAR DDNS或NO-IP DDNS账号,NETGEAR支持的动态DNS服务有NETGEAR、noip.com、 www.3322.org、ww...
首先在“高级>高级设置》远程管理”中打开远程管理,如果R6400作为一级路由并且有公网IP,即可在任意外网直接输入此网址访问。 ▼ 如果路由器的公网IP不是固定的,可以到“高级>动态DNS”中开启动态DNS服务,可以使用已有的NETGEAR DDNS或NO-IP DDNS账号,NETGEAR支持的动态DNS服务有NETGEAR、noip.com、 www.3322.org、ww...
首先在“高级>高级设置》远程管理”中打开远程管理,如果R6400作为一级路由并且有公网IP,即可在任意外网直接输入此网址访问。 ▼ 如果路由器的公网IP不是固定的,可以到“高级>动态DNS”中开启动态DNS服务,可以使用已有的NETGEAR DDNS或NO-IP DDNS账号,NETGEAR支持的动态DNS服务有NETGEAR、noip.com、www.3322.org、www...
首先在“高级>高级设置》远程管理”中打开远程管理,如果R6400作为一级路由并且有公网IP,即可在任意外网直接输入此网址访问。 ▼ 如果路由器的公网IP不是固定的,可以到“高级>动态DNS”中开启动态DNS服务,可以使用已有的NETGEAR DDNS或NO-IP DDNS账号,NETGEAR支持的动态DNS服务有NETGEAR、noip.com、 www.3322.org、ww...
DDNS Provider: NoIP OS: Win 11 (21H2) Not sure what is causing the issue. From what? What device do your have the OpenVPN client application installed on? Phone? Computer? Tablet? How is the device connected to the internet? What is the modem/gateway/ONT (optical network terminal) ...
protocol=noip,server=dynupdate.no-ip.com,login='my_email'password='my_password'my_domain.no-ip.org Note that this does not have all the backslashes at the ends of the lines. They were part of the problem.You can also debug whether it is working if you hav...
I've forwarded tons of ports, yet I still can't see my web page. Pinging the IP works fine. Pinging the domain works fine (using noip for the DDNS). I have a Motorola DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem and am using Time Warner Roadrunner. Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Ben ...
▼ 如果路由器的公网IP不是固定的,可以到“高级>动态DNS”中开启动态DNS服务,可以使用已有的NETGEAR DDNS或NO-IP DDNS账号,NETGEAR支持的动态DNS服务有NETGEAR、noip.com、 www.3322.org、www.oray.cn(无线地区需要选中国)、www.dyndns.org,也可以免费申请一个*.mynetgear.com的DDNS主机名。
To use them, you first need to get a ddns name that you can use to reach your home network over internet. dyndns.com and noip.com are two places to get this. dyndns charges, noip.com has a free option.Once that is set up, you'd need to configure your router to forward so...