23. Young Royals (2021-2024) Created by Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, and Camilla Holter, ‘Young Royals’ is a Swedish LGBTQ+ teen romance drama series. Appreciated for the authenticity with which it showcases teenage life, the series centers on the romance between Prince Wilhelm “Wille”...
Most divisive: Young Royals Over 2.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Teen Shows On Netflix, Ranked HOW RANKINGS WORK Looking for the best teen shows on Netflix? Whether you’re into supernatural adventures, dramatic twists, or heartfelt coming-...
"Young Royals" The great thing about "Young Royals" on Netflix is that its steamy scenes come with a layer of realism. There are no unattainable intimacy aspirations or completely unrealistic sex scenarios. Rather, the sexy show on Netflix explores the reality and intensity of intimacy with yo...
33. Young Royals (2021) A Swedish LGBTQ+ teen romance series created by Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, and Camilla Holter, ‘Young Royals’ revolves around Prince Wilhelm “Wille” (Edvin Ryding) of Sweden, who is sent to Hillerska Boarding School after being involved in a scandal. However...
“Young Royals” Soapy teen stories are so much better when they’re gay, and “Young Royals” is one of the gayest and soapiest. The Swedish series, which has released two seasons and will return for a third and final, focuses on the romance between Wille (Edvin Ryding) and Simon (Om...
Young Royals | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch on What's better than rich teens partying and experimenting at their private high school? Watching a rich teenage PRINCE partying and experimenting at their private high school. WATCH NOW Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 33 Too Hot to Handle...
5Young Royals (2021-Present) A Swedish series that will see its final season in March 2024,Young Royalsis a must-watch for those interested in young adult stories from abroad. A young prince, Wilhelm, begins attending a prestigious boarding school. But when he begins studying there, he falls...
15. Young Royals (Season 3) Credit: Courtesy of Netflix Well before the movie version of Red, White & Royal Blue came out (but after the book), there was Young Royals, a soapy Swedish series about a gay princeling (Edvin Ryding) falling for a (gasp) scholarship student named Simon ...
Without Netflix, shows likeYoung Royalswould not have found an international audience. This Swedish teen romance follows Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding), a member of Sweden’s royal family who is sent to an elite boarding school after some very public fights at his previous school. Wilhelm soon ...
Who’s in the cast?Amaka Okafor, Kyle Soller, Shira Haas, Jacob Fortune-Lloyd, Stephen Graham What’s it about?Set across four time-zones in London, a body is found in exactly the same place, and investigators from each period must connect the clues to try and figure out what happened...