In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
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In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
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She's set to solve the greatest mystery of her young life: to find her missing mother (Helena Bonham Carter) through a series of deliberately cryptic clues — all while breaking the fourth wall and confiding in the audience, thanks to Fleabag director Harry Bradbeer and His Dark Materials'...
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In the latest season, hosts Tan France and Gigi Hadid bring a fun dose of humor to this series, which highlights inclusive fashion. With two 10-episode seasons, Next in Fashion is an easy binge for a lazy weekend. — A.F. How to watch: Next in Fashion is now streaming on Netflix...