Evan Peters earned an Emmy nomination for his portrayal of the sadistic serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in this first instalment of this biographical true crime anthology series. Created by Ryan Murphy,Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Storyprovides an intimate look into the life and crimes of Da...
Family Movies,Mexican,Drama Movies,Movies Based on Books,Movies Based on Real Life,Social Issue Dramas Cast Crew:Bárbara Mori, Julián Tello, Juan Pablo Medina Subtitles: Plot:N/A... Jan 31, 2025 The Snow Girl(TV Mini Series) TV Dramas,Spanish,TV Shows Based on Books,TV Mysteries,Crime...
Interest in the true-crime genre is at an all-time high. From podcasts likeSerialto theHBObreakthroughThe Jinx, everyone is riding the genre’s recent wave of popularity.Netflixhas played a big part in that wave, with captivating documentaries, movies, and shows that capture the mystery and...
The best Netflix movies feature wild adventures, epic films and two of the best movies of the last year, so you don't even need to go to a theater
Netflix has constantly been pushing the boundaries of what is possible with TV series since it launched its first show, ‘House of Cards. ‘ Since then, a lot has changed around the world, but what has remained is their ability to create and stream shows that have become the face of tel...
There’s true crime and then there’s true crime that will turn your stomach. While there are tons of great true crime documentaries, as well as fantastic series based on real crimes and investigations, like Mindhunter and The Act, a new trend is emerging with true crime docuseries....
Reviews of Netflix movies and series Are you looking for a good Netflix movie or series in the Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller, or True Crime genre? Check out the Netflix reviews and features we’ve done for these genres – both movie reviews and reviews for seasons of a series. Maybe you’...
While true crime is proving to be one of thefastest growingareas of entertainmentamong younger generations, it also brings with it a slew of ethical concerns – especially for Netflix. In Sept. 2022, Netflix released a 10-part series co-created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan about serial ...
But when it comes to crime stories (and well, life), the truth is the best place to start, which is why crime shows and movies based on the cold hard facts are always the most fascinating to watch. And while you can get your true crime fix with thrilling podcasts like Serial and ...
She's set to solve the greatest mystery of her young life: to find her missing mother (Helena Bonham Carter) through a series of deliberately cryptic clues — all while breaking the fourth wall and confiding in the audience, thanks to Fleabag director Harry Bradbeer and His Dark Materials'...