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If you like your thrillers absolutely over the top and oozing with melodrama, may I introduce you to Joe Wright's deliciously entertaining The Woman in the Window? Based on the A.J. Finn bestseller of the same name, this thriller finds Amy Adams camping it up as Anna Fox, a child psych...
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Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter Sign Me Up By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This being a Christopher Nolan movie, there are all sorts of rules to these dreams within dreams, including multiple levels of co...
Not Another Teen Movie (2001) After watching all these teen movies, you've certainly discovered a bunch of tropes used over and over again in teen movies. This parody film makes fun of all the clichés while referencing some of the most famous teen movies of the '80s and '90s. It even...
Movie's Jack Black, Shazam! Fury of the Gods' Zachary Levi, and Top Gun: Maverick star Glen Powell. Despite its needlessly lengthy title, Apollo 10 1/2 is a genuinely unique take on one of history’s most iconic moments, and serves as yet more proof of Netflix's willingness to ...
Here are the best Netflix shows and series to watch. Everything from reality TV to a modern classic sitcom and top animated shows.
Over 600 filmgoers have voted on the 10+ films on Best Oscar Winning Movies On Netflix, Ranked. Current Top 3: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, All Quiet on ...