The film follows the lives of several 18- and 19-year-old pornographic actresses. Actors: Farrah Abraham, John Anthony, Rachel Bernard, Levi Cash Released: 2015 Dig Deeper 'Hot Girls Wanted' Is One Of The Most Depressing Documentaries Of The 2010s Also ranks #7 on 15 Disturb...
Netflix Possibly the most random ad we've worked on is this story of keeping up with the Jones's as told by a family of hamsters. It was directed by Smith & Foulkes through Nexus and involved coaxing the fur balls into an array of movements and positions to tell the story, (for all...
Dig Deeper The Funniest Quotes From ‘I Think You Should Leave’ That Never Get Old Also ranks #8 on The Best Recent Sitcoms & Comedies On Netflix Also ranks #9 on The 150+ Best Netflix Comedy Shows, Ranked IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 46 Mad for Each Other Woo Jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Baek...
“Karma’s World,” which is aimed at children aged six to nine, is inspired by Bridges’ oldest daughter Karma and is described as a coming-of-age story about a young Black girl finding her voice and using it to change her world. The show follows 10-year-old Karma Grant, an aspiring...
In Missing, the 18-year-old June (Storm Reid) tries to find her mother (Nia Long) after she goes missing while vacationing in Colombia with her new boyfriend (Ken Leung). What sets this apart from your typical thriller is that it takes place entirely on screens. Just as the 2019 film...
Part environmental parable, part bleeding heart manifesto, the movie follows, Mija, a 10-year old whose best friend is a super-pig called Okja. When the lab that created her friend steal the swine away from her, Mija embarks on an adventure to retrieve Okja that takes her across the ...
In this German drama, a 17-year-old with a congenital heart defect defies her limits by becoming a thrill seeker, leading her to form a bond with a rowdy black stallion whom she hopes to race despite her parents' discouragement. Watch"Rock My Heart"on Netflix now. ...
TV creator Shawn Ryan has produced some great shows —The Shield, Timeless, Terriers— and while his latest,The Night Agent, might not be on the same level of his other hits, it's an easy binge that stays in Ryan's lane. The political action-thriller is based on Matthew Quirk's book...
The film begins when Marilyn (Ana de Armas) is still known asNorma Jeane Mortenson. It shows that the future actress suffers abuse at the hands of her mother before beingsent to an orphanage. After she begins using Marilyn Monroe as her stage name, she gradually becomes successful as an ac...
This one's good for both teen and parent: Ginny & Georgia documents the Miller family, including spirited 30-year-old single mom Georgia Miller (Brianne Howey), her moody 15-year-old daughter Ginny (Antonia Gentry) and her 9-year-old son Austin (Diesel La Torraca), as they adjust to ...