‘Medal of Honor’ is an 8-part anthology series showcasing the bravest of the brave whose actions earned them the highest decoration in the United States Armed Forces, either posthumously or after surviving. Each episode has one recipient speaking about their experience on the battlefield, which...
The show was originally due to release on Wednesday, January 15th but has been delayed to March 2025. byKasey Moore-January 12th, 2025 Netflix News ‘Number 24’ Producer Discusses Success of WW2 Film on Netflix We spoke to producer Espen Horn about the new Norwegian WW2 movie that’s sto...
To some, Clint Eastwood's biopic about America's most deadly marksman (255 kills during the Iraqi War) Chris Kyle was the purest example of shameless patriotism and war glorification. Others thought Eastwood only intention was to show the sheer pointlessness of it all. Whatever you might think...
A huge war show commissioned by the BBC. This 8-part series is set in the 12 or 13th century BC, and it shows the 10 year siege of Troy by arch-enemy Sparta. Watch the trailer of Troy: Fall of a City Stream Troy: Fall of a City via: Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates ...
(such as unique identifiers) and other information stored and/or accessed from your device or browser for the purposes described below. Click on “Manage Settings” for more information about these purposes and where we process your personal data based on legitimate interests. See also ourPrivacy ...
It's something about seeing characters, specifically for me, but also for all of the characters in the show, that they're flawed in their own ways. I think it can get boring if you're watching programs where you have these cut-outs of different archetypes of characters. I like to...
Everything We Know About All The Light We Cannot See All the Light We Cannot Seeis promising to be an emotional tale set during World War II, focusing on how the war impacted young people involved on both sides. The show will likely touch on the atrocities committed by the Nazis across ...
Each character’s story gives a look “behind the gilded curtain of that time period, shining a light on unfair systems and biases across race, gender and sexuality. The show endeavors to examine decades-old power dynamics and consider what the entertainment landscape might look like if they ha...
Zoo, City, Sewer, Suburbs, Wild. The show is done beautifully. Voice acting is fantastic and comedy is fantastic. It’s just a shame that we don’t have to be a part of the Dung Beetle joke. This is the film’s fart gag. The truth is, films usually have one in the middle. ...
s line of great comedies. The strong writing and stronger performances carry this show about Sam, an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum, and his family. Despite covering many common family comedy tropes, the show doesn’t sell out the characters for cheap laughs.Atypicalis a show where ...