In the middle of it all, he attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter Ellie (Sadie Sink), whom he abandoned years ago when he left her mother for his partner. Through difficult and encounters with Ellie and others in his life, Charlie struggles to find redemption and meaning...
Anna Paquin stars as her mother, who supports Jessica's ambitious dream despite its dangers, and Cliff Curtis gives a standout performance as the gruff but dedicated sailing mentor who trains Watson for the treacherous journey ahead. It's an uplifting story about never giving up, even when ...
If you didn’t seeGilmore Girlswhen it first aired, there’s still time to watch it with your kids. My daughters and I really bonded over this show. It follows single mother Lorelai and her bright and inspiring daughter Rory as they live their very full lives. This show has such a loy...
Billy Howle, Nicole Kidman, Sam Nivola, and Jack Reynor,The Perfect Couple Hilary Bronwyn Gayle/Netflix Amelia Sacks (Eve Hewson) was about to have the wedding of the season. She's marrying into the richest family on Nantucket, and her future mother-in-law Greer Garrison Winbury (Nicole ...
whose chemistry as mother and daughter find fullest expression in two wrenching late-season entries. If the inseparable pair aren’t treasured in the TV canon forever, there should be a steward’s inquiry. Thank goodness PopTV picked up the series for a fourth season after Netflix unceremonious...
As his mother, Joyce, the sheriff, and his friends start to investigate what happens, it seems that there’s something much more sinister than any of them expected. A parallel world, packed with demonic monsters, sits right next to their own, and they have to venture into the Upside Down...
It's 2019, and Seo-yeon (Park Shin-Hye) is traveling back to her childhood home after visiting her estranged, ill mother. Once she arrives there, she gets a strange call from a distressed woman named Young-sook (Jeon Jong-seo), who seems to have dialed the wrong number. But the woma...
Daughter from Another Mother Ludwika Paleta, Paulina Goto, Martín Altomaro 110 votes After realizing their babies were switched at birth, two women adjust to their new lives. Premiered: January 20, 2021 Also ranks #16 on The 100+ Best Spanish TV Shows On Netflix, Ranked Also ...
It's Me Margarethas a big-screen adaptation and with a 99% Rotten Tomatoes score, they've done a fantastic job. Following 11-year-old Margaret, this is a coming of age tale all about adolescence and the people you rely on for support, in this case, it's Margaret's mother and grandm...