the show follows the Bridgerton family and the love stories of its members. Based on Julia Quinn’s historical fiction novel series, the show explores the romantic liaisons depicted in an erotic visual flourish. It has its fair share of whispers, gossip, fights...
This beautifully-shot black-and-white film gives director Alfonso Cuarón a chance to show a slice of his past. Taking place in Mexico City in the early 1970s, Roma focuses on an indigenous woman who serves a white family, as they all fight to survive calamity after calamity. From betrayal...
Viewers are masterfully transported to the gritty 1920s streets, where Tommy struggles to manage his family’s business, crimes, and enemies — all while dealing with severe PTSD. The show is ripe with seduction, love, loss, mismanaged emotions, booze, guns, violence, and wits. It delivers...
This beautifully-shot black-and-white film gives director Alfonso Cuarón a chance to show a slice of his past. Taking place in Mexico City in the early 1970s, Roma focuses on an indigenous woman who serves a white family, as they all fight to survive calamity after calamity. From betrayal...
fans can't help but fall in love with this heartwarming story about family bonds that run deeper than blood. premiered : october 5, 2000 genres : comedy,drama will i like it? is it watchworthy? featured subscription paid 25 kristen bell, ted danson, william jackson harper 166 votes in ...
show a bunch of teenagers having the time of their lives under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and it’s fun to watch that as well, as long as it does not influence us in the wrong way. Be it something educational that makes you aware of the consequences of taking drugs or just...
An African American family struggles to make it work and make it right. Premiered: May 12, 2021 Also ranks #1 on The Best Current Black Sitcoms Also ranks #6 on Every TV Show Coming To Netflix In June 2022 Also ranks #11 on The Greatest TV Shows About Single Dads Will i...
Squid Game season 3: Everything we know about the Netflix show's final season "Beyond Good and Evil's influence is 2000% Miyazaki": 21 years on, the developers behind Ubisoft's cult classic reflect on how it came to be Doctor Who 2024 Christmas special ending explained: who dies, is ...
Lee Daniels wrote and directedThe Deliverance, a Netflix original about a single mother struggling to keep her family together. Ebony Jackson (Andra Day) is doing her best to keep a lid on her personal demons, believing that moving her kids into a new home will help them all get a fresh...
About a family who must launder millions of money for a drug kingpin, the show goes to places you don’t expect.. Then even further still. It’s mesmerising television. The entire series of Ozark is now available to watch - that's all four seasons of TV gold! Image Credit: Netflix...