Also ranks #5 on The Greatest TV Shows About Asian-Americans Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 5 The Umbrella Academy Elliot Page, Tom Hopper, David Castañeda 271 votes A dysfunctional family of superheroes comes together to solve the mystery of their father'...
This show has it all. Premiered: February 17, 2021 Genres: Drama,Mystery,Thriller Also ranks #6 on The Best TV Shows About Cheaters, Affairs, And Infidelity Also ranks #6 on The Best Thriller TV Shows Of The Last Few Years Also ranks #19 on The Most Exciting Thriller Series Ever Made...
Created by Manolo Caro (the mind behind Netflix's "The House of Flowers"), this sexy show on Netflix is set in 1950s Spain during the Franco regime and tells the story of a man who shocks his conservative family by bringing home his new love: a male ballet performer from Mexico. Wat...
Based on the eponymous bestselling novel, this 2021 South Asian film follows the remarkable story of a driver for a rich Indian family who escapes from poverty and becomes an entrepreneur. What does the “white tiger” mean in the film? You’ll just have to watch to find out. STREAM NOW...
20-year-old tennis player Naomi Osaka was named world champion by the Women’s Tennis Association. What followed was a flurry of brand deals, sponsorships and interviews as the world turned its gaze on the first Asian tennis player to be ranked number one. In the lead-up to the Tokyo Ol...
Was it the right call to turnThe Addams Familyinto a boilerplate Netflix show about a girl at a supernatural school investigating a not-very-intriguing murder mystery and navigating some not-very-original high school drama? Probably not. This show didn't have to be aChilling Adventures of Sa...
Netflix Who is Player 001 in ‘Squid Game’ Season 2? Breaking Down the ‘Squid Game’ Season 2 Finale Wondering What Games are in ‘Squid Game’ Season 2? Here's a Recap of ‘Squid Game’ Season 1
Without further ado, here’s our complete list of the best Asian dramas on Netflix. IMDB Alice in Borderland Fans of Netflix's hit show Squid Game will want to check out this Japanese sci-fi thriller. After three teenage boys cause a ruckus and hide in a bathroom during a police chase...
Loosely based on Shirley Jackson's classic novel, The Haunting of Hill House tells the tale of the Crain family, alternating between past and present as it traces their paranormal experiences at the titular mansion. It's to the show's credit that it works both as an examination of how ...
Yes, you may get extreme "The CW" vibes from this Addams Family show from Tim Burton, and that may not be what you want if the original Addams Family movies are parts of your childhood you wanted to go unsullied. That said? Jenna Ortega puts in a fantastic performance as high school-...