Directed by Eva Müller and Michael Schmitt, ‘Shiny_Flakes: The Teenage Drug Lord’ is a documentary film that recounts the story of Maximilian Schmidt, who serves as an inspiration for the series ‘How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast).‘ In 2015, a young adult managed to sell approx—4.1 m...
“Boy Swallows Universe” follows working-class Brisbane teenager Eli Bell in a whirlwind story about drug addiction, ex-cons, poverty, violence and the discovery of hope through the power of love, said local screen agency Screen Queensland. Dalton says that the story involves a “boy who recei...
(John Boyega) is a drug dealer living in an impoverished area called the Glen. While trying to collect funds owed to him by a local pimp named Slick Charles (Jamie Foxx), Fontaine is shot and killed — but that doesn't stop him from showing up on Slick's doorstep the next day to ...
The series, drenched in high-stakes action and gripping twists, sees a drug lord's plan spiraling out of control as his criminal empire crumbles around him, ensnaring both innocents and criminals alike. Premiered: September 24, 2021 Also ranks #13 on The Best French Shows On N...
In a ruthless rise to Miami drug lord, a Cuban-born gangster descends into addiction, obsession and brutality, with grisly consequences. 8.3IMDb Oldboy 2003•Crime, Mystery, Thriller2 h With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate businessman ...
A critically acclaimed series often regarded as one of TV's best offerings in recent memory, it follows Walter White – a mild-mannered high school chemistry teacher turned ruthless drug lord after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Chronicling his transformation from struggling family man to fear...
s crime drama is based on the very finite story of Griselda Blanco (Sofia Vergara), a woman who was once called “the Godmother of Cocaine,” and it was not a term of endearment. The real Blanco was just as ruthless as the male drug lords, and perhaps even more so as she kept a ...
The series is a front-row seat to a real-life conspiracy circus. If you’re hungry for a wild, true-crime adventure that will leave you questioning everything, ‘Crack’ is your golden ticket to the heart of the action. You can stream ithere. ...
(Manuel Garcia-Ruffalo), a defence attorney and recovering drug addict who tackles L.A-based criminal cases from the back of his Lincoln Town car. Released to little fanfare in mid-2022,The Lincoln Lawyer's popularity exploded overnight and ended up being one of the best Netflix series of...
I was gutted when I discovered thatNetflix canceled the most realistic zombie show I’ve ever seenBlack Summer.Even though it ended on a cliffhanger, don't let this stop you from watching this heart-pounding and intense series.Black Summeris a prequel spin-off toZ Nation,and takes places ...