The Recruit is a gripping spy-adventure television series on Netflix that introduces viewers to Owen Hendricks, a CIA lawyer played by Noah Centineo, who gets embroiled in a web of international conflicts when an asset threatens to expose her connections to the agency. As Owen trie...
The CIA lawyer is also an "American Idiot" on a covert mission in South Korea — what could go wrong? ByTony Maglio January 2, 2025 10:00 am add to queue 10 Netflix TV Shows We Can’t Wait to See in 2025 From new shows with big names to old favorites like "Wednesday" and seri...
2022 a rookie lawyer at the cia stumbles headlong into the dangerous world of international espionage when a former asset threatens to expose agency secrets. 1. i.n.a.s.i.a.l. 51m thrown into the deep end during his first week at the cia, rookie lawyer owen hendricks quickly gets in ...
The team includes an ancient gay couple, Joe (Marwan Kenzari) and Nicky (Luca Marinelli), Matthias Schoenaerts as Booker, Chiwetel Ejiofor as their ex-CIA boss Copley, and the newest recruit, a young Marine named Nile (KiKi Layne, the film's MVP) who’s just discovering her regenerative ...
Directed by Matt Palmer, thisBritish filmis a nerve-wracking thriller set in the mountainous region of the Scottish Highlands. It chronicles the hunting trip of two lifelong friends, Vaughn (Jack Lowden) and Marcus (Martin McCann). A tragic accident occurs, leading to a desperate series of cov...
When a woman is accused of killing her lover, a renowned lawyer is hired -- but the more they try to untangle the truth, the more convoluted it becomes. 7.7 IMDb American Psycho 2000 • Crime, Drama, Thriller 1 h 41 min Based on the book by Bret Easton Ellis, a businessman who...
List of the latest political TV series in 2024 on tv and the best political TV series of 2023 & the 2010's. Top political TV series to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or on tv right now.
The Recruit – Season 2(TV thriller, Noah Centineo, Laura Haddock) – This hit series about a young CIA officer is back for a second season. I haven’t seen any of this one yet – I need to make time soon!U.S. andCanadaStreaming ...
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series KATHY BATES / Edith Wilson –“THE GREAT LILLIAN HALL” CATE BLANCHETT / Catherine Ravenscroft –“DISCLAIMER” JODIE FOSTER / Det. Elizabeth Danvers –“TRUE DETECTIVE: NIGHT COUNTRY” ...
The streamer released a series of first-look photos featuring CIA lawyer Owen Hendricks (Centineo) working on his next assignment in South Korea. The photos also highlight Teo Yoo (Past Lives) as Jang Kyun, a South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) agent; Nathan Fillion as Alton West...