Stranger Thingstook the world by storm beginning in 2016, and the world of sci-fi shows hasn’t been the same, both on Netflix and beyond. The series begins in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana where four friends, Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will, are going about their adolescent lives...
Best Netflix shows: Sci-fi 'Bodies' (Image credit: Netflix) The premise of this thriller is pretty wild: Four detectives in four different time periods find the same dead body in a London alleyway. In 2023, DS Shahara Hasan (Amaka Okafor) stumbles upon it during a foot chase; in 1941...
Whether it's alien encounters, the zombie apocalypse, futuristic space action, or a superhero saga, these sci-fi movies make for some fun and exciting watches.
Best Netflix shows: Sci-fi 'Bodies' (Image credit: Netflix) The premise of this thriller is pretty wild: Four detectives in four different time periods find the same dead body in a London alleyway. In 2023, DS Shahara Hasan (Amaka Okafor) stumbles upon it during a foot chase; in 1941...
The science-fiction resurgence is in full swing on television. If you’re struggling to find the best sci-fi on Netflix, there’s something for everyone below.
Netflix and sci-fi go together like Eleven and Eggo waffles. Gaten Matarazzo, Finn Wolfhard and Sadie Sink as Dustin, Mike and Max in Stranger Things Season 4. Netflix Instead of turning your world upside down to find the best sci-fi TV shows, just flip onNetflix. The compnay ...
Time to catch up on some long overdue sci-fi, so here's our handy guide to what's on Netflix this month.
NetflixInto the Night (2020—)This apocalyptic sci-fi from Belgium will probably turn you off from flying any time soon. Set on a plane, Into the Night sees a red-eye hijacked by a soldier who, along with the rest of the passengers, ends up surviving a deadly global event down on th...
Jump To: Streaming pick of the month Action Animation Fantasy Sci-Fi Horror In this guide of the best shows on Netflix to watch right now, there are picks for everyone, from nail-biting thrillers like Black Doves to animated gems like Arcane. As we know, it's not always easy to choo...
9 Best Sci-Fi Shows of 2024 12/27/2024 by Jacob Bryant The Wrap The 10 Highest-Grossing Movie Directors, Ranked By Box Office 12/23/2024 by Nick Staniforth Slash Film 10 Best Box Office Bombs of 2024 12/22/2024 by Liam Gaughan ...