You need to keep it real—in life and in what you watch. From cooking competitions to magical makeovers to far-off adventures, these reality TV shows do the trick.
Genre: Competition Reality Cast: Choo Sung-hoon, Yun Sung-bin, Yang Hak-seon Number of seasons: 1 Synopsis: “One hundred contestants in top physical shape compete in a series of grueling challenges to claim the honor — and cash reward — as the last one standing.” Watch Physical: 100...
The Molereturned on Netflix in 2022, and it remains one of the more intelligent reality competition series available today. Players work in groups to add money to a pot, knowing that only one person will eventually emerge as the winner. One player, however, has a different agenda: They’re...
Netflix has decided that a second season of its most popular show isn’t enough, they have to bring it into reality. The network is producing a reality competition based on ‘Squid Game,’ in which players will compete for $4.56 million.
Also ranks #33 on The 200+ Best Reality Competition Shows Ranked Also ranks #73 on The 120 Best Reality Shows On Now Also ranks #113 on The Best Reality Shows On Netflix Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 95 Archive 81 Mamoudou Athie, Dina Shihabi, Evan Jonigkeit 27 vo...
Here's a complete list of the best Reality shows available on Netflix in the U.S.. The list is updated daily and is sorted by IMDb rating, but you can also choose to sort it by the date when the titles were added to Netflix, which is convenient i
Reality TV, of course. And the best part: You can satisfy your craving for drama, competition, and romance in one sitting. Because honestly, nothing offers a mindless break from the world quite like watching amateurs struggle through replicating professional cake decorating (see: Nailed It!) ...
For something less devastating, check out the reality competition show based on the series, Squid Game: The Challenge, which invites real-life competitors to play some of the same and other games for a real-life cash prize (without the fatalaties).Stream Squid Game on Netflix. ...
So in the spirit of staying home to save the world, here are 12 of our favorite reality shows on Netflix. The Circle The Circlehas become somewhat of a global phenomenon with versions from around the world starting to pop up. Highly relatable, the show focuses on just how much social me...
Netflix’s new reality competition series The Trust: A Game of Greed debuts on Wednesday with a premise that flips the usual reality show dynamic on its head. It gets going with the kind of thing we’ve seen so many times before, in Netflix shows like Squid Game: T...