Young Sheldonis a comedy television series that serves as a prequel toThe Big Bang Theory, focusing on the early life of Sheldon Cooper, a gifted young boy growing up in East Texas. The show humorously explores Sheldon’s unique intellectual capabilities and the challenges they present in his ...
Step into a dystopia that reflects part of our own reality, in this acclaimed anthology series, where each episode serves as a standalone story. Inspired by The Twilight Zone (aka one of the best TV shows ever made), Charlie Brooker's sci-fi series is set in the near-future, predominant...
But she’s merely a supporting player on Netflix’s latest two-hour episode of the Adam Sandler show, a hellacious and unending variety program in which the softest-working man in show business alternates between his tiny-man squeaking and his angry-man yelling. (Not all funny voices are c...
Based on Erich Maria Remarque’s landmark novel of the same name (which was first adapted into a feature film in 1930), this award-winning German-language movie tells the story of a young German soldier (Felix Kammerer) whose naive expectations of fighting for his country are shattered by ...
Creator Charlie Brooker implied as much not long ago, but has recently revealed that he’s working on a new season of this Twilight Zone–inspired gem. Released in 3-episode seasons in the U.K. originally (and a Christmas special after season two), Black Mirror shifted when it became a ...
If your family hasn't watched Netflix's excellent animated series Hilda yet, now's the right time — as its sequel movie just came out. This wonderful show has a brilliant wholesome energy to it, with charm and emotional resonance. This feature-length episode looks at one of the show's...
Supacellspent five weeks inNetflix's top ten most-watched showsupon its release and it certainly deserves it. The superhero series follows a group of black south Londoners who suddenly develop superpowers out of nowhere. As they grapple with the affect of their powers on their everyday lives...
Netflix summary: This inventive drama charts the disintegrating relationship between newly married twentysomething Justine and her sister, Claire, just as Earth hurtles toward certain collision with a newly discovered planet. ★★★ Having watched this in the dead of a Washington state winter, I can...
And since cutting the cord and relying on streaming only, this is as close as I’ll ever get to that sense of city-boy comfort ever again. All nine seasons of our foursome’s legendary antics doing nothing are here for the bingeing; just pick a random episode, curl up on the couch,...
‘Gilmore Girls’ Episodes to Watch for Thanksgiving 'The Diplomat' Season 2 Finale, Explained 'Outer Banks' Season 4 Ending, Explained ‘Outer Banks’ Showrunners Explain *That* Death When and Where Can I Watch ‘Emilia Pérez'? Outer Banks S5 Will Be The Netflix Series' Last...