image.png differ diff --git a/Netflix UI Clone/images/logo.png b/Netflix UI Clone/images/logo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..973a3dc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Netflix UI Clone/images/logo.png differ diff --git a/Netflix UI Clone/images/w.png b/Netflix UI Clone/...
.Logo { background-image: url(./logo.png); } Webpack finds all relative module references in CSS (they start with ./) and replaces them with the final paths from the compiled bundle. If you make a typo or accidentally delete an important file, you will see a compilation error, just...
"highest plan -better servers" They can afford better servers without a sub. Anyone who would pay for it is just enabling the live-service model for everything. Want to buy a gallon of milk? Sorry, you have to subscribe to your milk now. "ultra plan - no sbmm" So pay ...
initial-scale=1"/>Netflix<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>!function(e){function t(t){for(var n,i,a=t[0],l=t[1],c=t[2],s=0,p
Binary file added BIN +198 KB client/chillremote_1.1/chrome-screenshot.png Unable to render rich display Binary file added BIN +6.93 KB client/chillremote_1.1/chrome-store-logo.png Loading Viewer requires iframe. Binary file added BIN +1.2 KB client/chillremote_1.1/icon.png Unable to...
ic_launcher_round.png values ic_launcher_background.xml strings.xml styles.xml build.gradle gradle/wrapper gradle-wrapper.jar gradlew gradlew.bat keystores BUCK settings.gradle app.json assets logo.png ...