您能理解僅僅十年前,亞馬遜 Prime 的覆蓋範圍僅限於美國境內嗎?目前,他們的國際流媒體收入超過了國內市場——這一壯舉歸功於他們精明的本地化方法。 亞馬遜 Prime 承認其全球受眾的價值,並創造了能引起他們共鳴的內容。這一明智之舉已經取得了成果,因為它現在擁有比任何其他流媒體平台都多的國際訂閱者! 隨著技術的...
Localization includes not only the translation of the interface into Russian, but also a tariff grid adapted for the Russian market and presented in rubles, and not in euros. This became known on October 15, 2020. In addition to this, Netflix is going to significantly replenish the ...
One games localization manager at Netflix, with the company since September 2021, announced in a January 2022 LinkedIn post that Netflix was hiring for games localization producers in California. “Games are an exciting new venture at Netflix and one that offers an opportunity to make a big im...
时至今日,Netflix 的国际流媒体收入已超过其国内收入,而这一切都要归功于他们的本地化战略。 Netflix 的正确做法是了解国际受众,提供能引起他们共鸣的内容。因此,现在它在全球拥有的用户数量超过了其他所有纯流媒体服务的总和! 考虑到现在比以往任何时候都更容易接触到国际客户,每家公司都可以从 Netflix 的本地化...