Air date: September 22, 2023 “Doona!” Cast:SuzyandYang Se Jong Plot: “Doona!”,starringSuzy and Yang Se Jong, is a romance drama that tells the story of an ordinary college student, Won Joon, who meets Du Na, who retired after leaving behind the glamorous K-pop idol days. It is...
Also ranks #151 on The Best Romantic Comedy K-Dramas Ever IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 89 King the Land Lee Jun-ho, Yoona, Ahn Se-ha 10 votes A charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile. Premiered: June 17, 2023 Also ranks #19 on The Best...
Also ranks #21 on The 130+ Best Action KDramas Of All Time Also ranks #72 on The 300+ Best Netflix Foreign Series, Ranked IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 3 Peaky Blinders Cillian Murphy, Natasha O'Keeffe, Paul Anderson 403 votes Peaky Blinders, gritty and utterly engrossing, plunges au...
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Also ranks #150 on The Best Romantic Comedy K-Dramas Ever IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 89 King the Land Lee Jun-ho, Yoona, Ahn Se-ha 10 votes A charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile. Premiered: June 17, 2023 Also ranks #19 on The Bes...
Also ranks #3 on The 150+ Best K-Dramas On Netflix, Ranked Also ranks #21 on The 130+ Best Action KDramas Of All Time Also ranks #72 on The 300+ Best Netflix Foreign Series, Ranked IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 3 Peaky Blinders Cillian Murphy, Natasha O'Keeffe, Paul Anderson 4...
Also ranks #4 on The 150+ Best K-Dramas On Netflix, Ranked Also ranks #21 on The 130+ Best Action KDramas Of All Time Also ranks #72 on The 300+ Best Netflix Foreign Series, Ranked IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 3 Peaky Blinders Cillian Murphy, Natasha O'Keeffe, Paul Anderson 4...
Also ranks #151 on The Best Romantic Comedy K-Dramas Ever IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 89 King the Land Lee Jun-ho, Yoona, Ahn Se-ha 10 votes A charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile. Premiered: June 17, 2023 Also ranks #19 on The Bes...
Also ranks #151 on The Best Romantic Comedy K-Dramas Ever IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 89 King the Land Lee Jun-ho, Yoona, Ahn Se-ha 10 votes A charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile. Premiered: June 17, 2023 Also ranks #19 on The Bes...