Posted inPixel Scroll|TaggedArtemis,Camestros Felapton,Colleen Doran,Georges Méliès,Good Omens,Jack Davis,James Earl Jones,JustWatch,Kelly Robson,LASFS,Lester Del Rey,Loscon,Netflix,Norton Juster,Robert Bloch,Sarah Gailey,Society of Illustrators,Star Trek: Discovery,Star Wars,StokerCon,Sunday Mornin...
So, its engineers could experiment with fresh design ideas without affecting the entire Netflix service’s performance. That agility helped the video streaming service innovate faster and cost-effectively, leading toChaos Engineering, Spinnaker, and Global cloud, as well as the unprecedented growth Net...
Mike McGarr is an engineering manager at Netflix, overseeing a team responsible for the tools that Netflix engineers use to build and deploy code. It’s a critical function at the streaming media company — ensuring that engineers are as productive as possible, and armed with the automation...
Amazon ships Project Kuiper satellites to Florida in preparation for milestone launch JPMorgan Chase names new Seattle Tech Center leader as engineering hub grows to 380 people ‘The Road Ahead’ at 30: What Bill Gates’ classic book about the future says about the world today ...
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