A reality television show, ‘Too Hot to Handle’ is a dating game where contestants are guided by a virtual host named Lana. The contestants aren’t allowed to have sexual contact with each other and have to work through their physical desires. It becomes tough for them in their quest as...
Director Mike Flanagan is best known for his Netflix TV series including The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and The Fall of the House of Usher, but fans shouldn't skip this gnarly little psychological thriller from 2017 based on a Stephen King novel. Gerald's Game is...
23 actually useful stocking fillers for men Christmas Day ’fit debate: dress-up or comfies? Best Christmas jumpers to shop in 2024 Do you have to spend Christmas Day with your OH? Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”...
Joining him on a rowdy road trip through a ravaged USA are hard-hitting Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), sassy Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), and snarling but scorching-hot Wichita (Emma Stone). Can love and friendship blossom in this hopeless place? Does Bill Murray pop up for a kooky cameo...
A second series has already been greenlit, so it's good to know that Netflix is backing this great slab of dystopia. Based on the Manga of the same name, his is a survival tale, focusing on a group of people trying to survive in a deserted Tokyo (seeing the likes of Shibuya Crossin...
The brief in the first instance was to help explore and define how one could travel into and through a series of objects conceived by the creatives and directors. Further to this, we had to establish the right amount of time spent inside each object, the time required travelling towards the...
With Christmas around the corner, you are going to need plenty of recommendations to add to your watchlist, as well as movie ideas to enjoy with your family and a delicious cup of hot chocolate. As the most popular and biggest streaming service around, Netflix's catalogue can be ...
Here are the best Netflix shows and series to watch. Everything from reality TV to a modern classic sitcom and top animated shows.
What It’s About: A continuation of the Dutch drama series of the same name, Anne+: The Film follows Anne (Hanna van Vliet) as she prepares to make one of the biggest decisions of her life: uproot from Amsterdam and move halfway across the world to Montreal. But as she contemplates...
One of the best mini-series of the current decade, this one was there for people during the first year of the pandemic, turning chess into a new kind of dramatic phenomenon. Based on the book of the same name by Walter Tevis, it stars Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon, a chess prodigy...