Released seven years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Winter on Fire follows a Ukrainian fight of a different kind. The visceral documentary centers on the Maidan Uprising of 2013 and 2014, which began after a free-trade deal with the European Union fell through at the last mi...
It was directed by Smith & Foulkes through Nexus and involved coaxing the fur balls into an array of movements and positions to tell the story, (for all you wrangling enthusiasts this was done mostly with the aid of a maggot on a stick). The commercial was shot with multiple passes, (i...
The documentary features rare home video footage of Scurlock and examines what we know about the man who could have escaped the outlaw life without a hitch. But true to the Hollywood movies that inspired him, Scurlock’s temptation for one last score was too great to ignore. Remembering Gene ...
Also ranks #2 on The Most Horrifying Home Invasion Movies Also ranks #2 on Slasher Movies You Didn't Realize Are Extremely Intelligent 2 The Ritual Rafe Spall, Rob James-Collier, Arsher Ali 620 votes Reuniting after the tragic death of their friend, four college pals set...
Over 7K TV viewers have voted on the 250+ Best Netflix Documentary Series. Current Top 3: The Keepers, Making a Murderer, Evil Genius: The True Story of ...
Netflix’s latest documentary,Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotelhas a connection toThe Night Stalker.Crime Scenefocuses on the strange case of 21-year-old Elisa Lam, who disappeared whilst in the middle of a trip to Los Angeles. Elisa disappeared during her stay at the Cecil Hot...
Fetch — a new planet for us all! With Earth in danger, desperate scientists send genetically enhanced dogs into space to find a new world to call home. Intervention: Season 21 Terim 🇹🇷– NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Legendary manager Fatih Terim recounts his football journey, from his playing da...
Gene Siskel had a saying about his rubric for evaluating movies, that he’d ask himself, “Is this movie more interesting than a documentary about the same actors having lunch?” Getting sketch luminaries Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch, Ana Gasteyer, Paula Pell, and Emily Spivey on the roster ...
NetflixMartha (2024)Martha Stewart may seem enigmatic, but in the Netflix documentary Martha, she opens up about her life -- from her rise as the first self-made woman billionaire to the lows of a tumultuous divorce and jail time for lying to the Feds. The film has hovered in Netflix...
“Will & Harper” is tremendous. The documentary, which premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival, follows Will Ferrell and his longtime friend and collaborator Harper Steele as they go on a road trip together. Steele was a writer on “SNL” and worked with Ferrell on his weirder films...