In postwar Japan, traumatized survivors must fight off a giant, devastating monster in this meticulously decolorized version of "Godzilla Minus One."
Titled Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, the new version released in Japan in January, and is now available to watch for the first time in the UK on Netflix. The original version is still available to watch on the streaming service if you want to compare. Toho Related: Godzilla Minus One...
Netflix announced that it would offerGodzilla Minus One/Minus Colorfor subscribers to watch, and there’s a new trailer teasing its launch on the service.As of August 1, 2024, it is now available. Recommended Videos Godzilla Minus Onelaunched in October 2023. It’s a live-action Reiwa entr...
年度佳作《Godzilla Minus One》荣膺2023最佳影片之选,观众反响热烈。错过院线的朋友们有福了!该片现已入驻Netflix,可供购买或租赁,让影迷们在家就能尽享视听盛宴。全球订阅者在美上映日(周五)便开始分享这一喜讯,詹姆斯·惠特布鲁克证实了这一消息,电影官方推特也调皮地晒出了标志性Netflix红色背景下的哥斯拉图...
Godzilla Minus Oneha recibido elogios unánimes por parte de la crítica, alcanzando una puntuación casi perfecta en Rotten Tomatoes (98%). IGN Movies destacó que, a pesar de su presupuesto modesto,la fotografía y los efectos visuales ...
Where to watch Godzilla Minus One: Netflix Director: Takashi Yamazaki Cast: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Minami Hamabe, Yuki Yamada, Munetaka Aoki, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Sakura Ando, Kuranosuke Sasaki Every Godzilla movie, ranked from worst to best 08 of 27 Gran Turismo (2023) Orlando Bloom in 'Gra...
《哥吉拉 Godzilla》最新作《哥吉拉-1.0 Godzilla Minus One》自上映以來好評不斷,不僅在爛番茄上保持著 98% 新鮮度與 98% 觀眾評分的好成績之外,更是憑藉著約 $1,500 萬美元的預算,在全球拿下破億美元的票房,甚至摘下本屆奧斯卡獎「最佳視覺特效」獎項,讓日本和北美等上映地區以外的影迷相當期待。
Godzilla Minus OneandThe Mitchells vs. The Machines, while being supported by Netflix originals such asProject PowerorThe Platform. It’s an exciting time for speculative fiction, whether you’re looking for alien arrivals, superheroes, space travel, technological dangers or imaginative glimpses at...
Sin duda, el furor alrededor deGodzilla Minus Onees notable. Disponible ahora enNetflixy dirigida porTakashi Yamazaki(The Eternal Zero), la película cuenta con las actuaciones deRyunosuke Kamiki(El viaje de Chihiro),Minami Hamabe(Ranman) yYûki Yamada...
You might not think that a prequel to the original Godzilla would be worth checking out, especially if it came out decades after the original. Godzilla Minus One exists to prove us wrong, though. The movie follows a World War II veteran who returns to a decimated Japan and finds himself ...