A former Nickelodeon series that functioned as a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra is set in the same universe in which some people can manipulate either water, air, earth, or fire. There's plenty of action here but none of the storylines are particularly ...
It follows the adventures of Aang, a tween destined to become the “Avatar” — a magical martial artist who can manipulate all four classical elements. Netflix has since produced its own live-action "Avatar" adaptation, which is also getting the three-season treatment. Cast: Zach Tyler, ...
(such as documentaries likeI Am A KillerandThe Confession Tapes). On the other hand, the portrayals are often exploitative and gratuitous, they typically lean towards a preconceived (and often sensationalist) narrative, and manipulate public opinion — all while morals and ethics take a backseat...
Fans of the original animated series should be able to follow along without any issues. For everyone else, the short version is that this fantasy series takes place in a world where select people can manipulate or “bend” water, fire, earth, and air. Unlike everyone else, Aang (Gordon ...
Of the new characters introduced, FBI Agent Maya Miller (Jessica Frances Dukes) is a welcome addition to the machinations. Yet, her attempts to follow the rules leads her directly into dark water, as Marty attempts to manipulate her to his own ends. Not as innocent is Wendy’s brother, Be...
Once we’re hooked and coming back for more, the real commodity they sell is their prowess to influence and manipulate us. Technology wizards have masterminded a new form of capitalism, and humanity is now the raw resource feeding the machine. THE SOCIAL DILEMMA focuses on the powerful, hidde...
Super Micro Computer[SMCI] has been deeply tangled up in the AI mania by being one of the many vendors that build servers based on Nvidia’s GPUs. The stock collapsed by 23% today to $713.65 after the company skipped announcing the preliminary results that had been exp...
complex and disturbing stories “Tiger King” tells are about how men like Joe Exotic and fellow big cat enthusiast Doc Antle manipulate vulnerable people into completely devoting themselves to their causes — which, ostensibly, are big cats, but are actually Joe Exotic and Doc Antle themselves. ...
"Dave had no part in me leaving, he did not manipulate me into leaving." Natasha Jokic Spend A Day In Luxury And See Which "Gossip Girl" Character You Are Treat yourself. wittypumpkin716 Take This Quiz To See If You’d Survive To The End Of "Squid Game" Red light! Beatrice ...
Apparently not, as it’s already a hit on Netflix. Fans of the original animated series should be able to follow along without any issues. For everyone else, the short version is that this fantasy series takes place in a world where select people can manipulate or “bend” water, fire,...