Netflix's documentaries are mostly known for the true crime stories, and while Descendant is technically one of those, it's far from the cold case stories that chart on the streaming service. One of the best Netflix movies in years, this film tells the untold story of the Clotilda, the...
In this enchanting miniseries based on Walter Tevis' novel of the same name, viewers are captivated by the meteoric rise of orphan chess prodigy Beth Harmon as she navigates personal demons, Cold War-era intrigue, and male-dominated competition in pursuit of world championship glory. With stunnin...
Netflix Possibly the most random ad we've worked on is this story of keeping up with the Jones's as told by a family of hamsters. It was directed by Smith & Foulkes through Nexus and involved coaxing the fur balls into an array of movements and positions to tell the story, (for all...
Originally known as ‘Ukryta gra,’ this English-language film from Poland takes place amidst the height of the Cold War in the 1960s as the USSR gears up for the Cuban Missile Crisis. The story follows Joshua Mansky (Bill Pullman), a washed-up American mathematician and chess prodigy, wh...
If espionage thrillers are your favorite kind of movie or TV show, it won’t get more thrilling than Netflix’s new documentary series “Spy Ops.” Real-world CIA and M16 operatives who served from the Cold War to the War on Terror share stories from seven real covert operations and a ...
A sleeper hit for Netflix, this British drama thriller turns Scottish writer, actor, and comedian Richard Gadd’s autobiographical one-man show into a miniseries for the small screen. Gadd, who portrays himself in the series (under the fictional character name Donny Dunn) was stalked and harass...
In this evocative, hard-boiled mystery set in post-war Los Angeles, veteran Ezekiel "Easy" Rawlins is struggling to find work. A white P.I. (Tom Sizemore) asks for help in locating a missing white woman (Jennifer Beals) who spends a lot of time in Black social circles, luring Easy in...
Netflix Meghan Markle Has a New Show on the Way ‘Squid Game’ Season 3 is Coming! Which ‘Ultimatum’ Couples Are Still Going Strong? Here’s When Every Episode of ‘Squid Game’ S2 Drops Who is Player 196 in ‘Squid Game’ Season 2?
novel of the same name, viewers are captivated by the meteoric rise of orphan chess prodigy beth harmon as she navigates personal demons, cold war-era intrigue, and male-dominated competition in pursuit of world championship glory. with stunning period costumes and production design, standout ...
📺 Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War docuseries premiere (Netflix Original)📺 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Season 4🤣 Steve Treviño: Simple Man comedy special (Netflix Original) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13📺 Bandits series premiere (Netflix Original) THURSDAY, MARCH 14📺...