Netflix's "All of Us Are Dead," written by Chun Sung-Il and directed by Lee Jae-kyoo and Kim Nam-su, follows a zombie outbreak beginning at a South Korean high school. All 12 episodes of "All of Us Are Dead" are now streaming on Netflix.
The Netflix show was as addictive as it was well made, so we're sure you must all be chomping at the bit (pun definitely intended) for the second season to hit the platform. All of Us Are Dead director Lee Jae-kyoo told The Korea Herald he had "intentionally" made room in the sh...
【中字】Netflix丧尸剧《僵尸校园/All Of Us Are Dead》正式中字预告,学校变成血腥战场,昔日挚友通通反目,究竟谁能从这人间炼狱活着离开呢?该剧将于28日公开!
Early on inAll of Us Are Dead,student Lee Cheong-san exclaims to his peers as they fend off a wave of zombies swarming their suburban Hyosan High School, “It’sTrain to Busan!” Another replies, “Why are they at school? They should be in movies.” With this tongue-in-cheek meta-r...
Netflix Orders New Korean Zombie Series ‘All Of Us Are Dead’ Netflix has already seen incredible success with its zombie-horror series Kingdom. The streaming service is now going deeper into the zombie genre with the order of a new Originals series, All Of Us Are Dead... by...
衝上Netflix 人氣第一的殭屍劇《All of Us are Dead》曝光第二季規劃!: 各位也期待有第二季的故事嗎!
Second season of All of Us Are Dead renewed! Through a number of media outlets, Netflix has publicly revealed that All of Us Are Dead would receive a second season. The public was anxiously awaiting word from the network over a potential renewal. The program is based on the hugely famous...
校园丧尸题材 Netflix将拍第二部韩国丧尸剧《All Of Us Are Dead》。 故事改编自高人气漫画《极度恐慌》,讲述突然出现的病毒,在韩国晓山封闭高中内迅速蔓延,感染的人无一例外变成丧尸。在缺乏物资和掩体的学校内,有人勇敢救人求生,有的人却为了自己的生存开始对同学们自相残杀...人性的善恶在灾难面前全部显露无疑...
After the success of Squid Game and Hellbound, it seems South Korean dramas are a winner for Netflix. And now there's a new contender on the horizon: All of Us Are Dead, a coming-of-age horror thriller set during a zombie apocalypse, arrives on the streamer later this month. ...
And now, we’re set to haveAll of Us Are Dead. Lest you’re unaware, they’re all Korean zombie shows of the highest quality… And from the pre-emptive looks of it,All of Us Are Deadmay turn out to be even better than its aforementioned “predecessors”. ...