1、背景 工作中经常需要调试一些netconf管理接口的设备,例如OTN、SPN、三层交换机等设备。mg-soft的netconf-browser需要本地安装,如果网络不通或者设备在实验室内,则无法通过工位直接访问设备。 netconf是思科主推的管理协议,思科也开源了netconf客户端管理工具:anx。其中包含了netconf explorer工具。 2、制作镜像 为了方...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于netconf browser的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及netconf browser问答内容。更多netconf browser相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
MG-SOFT NETCONF Browser Pro. - NETCONF client, NETCONF manager, NETCONF content composer, NETCONF content editor, RESTCONF client, RESTCONF manager, gNMI client, gNMI manager, gRPC client
This page provides information about the major new features introduced in the latest as well as in the past releases of MG-SOFT NETCONF Browser Professional Edition. What's New in MG-SOFT NETCONF Browser, Version 13.x Release Full support for gNMI protocol. In addition to the NETCONF and ...
MG-SOFT provides a 30-day evaluation version of NETCONF Browser Professional Edition, so that you can try it even before you decide and proceed with licensing the software. Under the 30-day evaluation license, you are not permitted to use the software for any kind of commercial purposes ...
RLS NetConf MG-SOFT NetConf Browser Resolution/AnswerStep 1: Start a CLI session via SSH terminal emulator and log into the RLS node with Super user access levelStep 2: Enable the NETCONF server using "set ciena-pro-netconf:netconf server" command, if it's disabled on the no...
Netconf Browser Netconf Browser评分: MG-SOFT NETCONF浏览器是一款强大的、易于客户使用的NETCONF客户应用程序,其使您可以恢复、修改、安装和删除网络中任何NETCONF服务器设备的配置。该软件提供一个直观的图形用户界面,其使您可以加载所有有效的YANG或YIN模块,并以树状结构呈现出来,其中还包括NETCONF得以运行的节点(获得...
app Dockerfile LICENSE NCBCert.pem NCBKey.pem README.md requirements.txt run.py Repository files navigation README License NetConf Browser This web tool allows you to run RPC calls to NetConf servers. It will show you the reply and is also able to generate the python code for that specific...
Video: New features in MG-SOFT NETCONF Browser 2021 Video: New features in MG-SOFT NETCONF Simulator 2021 More news > > > Products & Services MG-SOFT Corporation provides major IT companies, numerous government agencies as well as numerous universities and other institutions worldwide with a...
Video: New features in MG-SOFT NETCONF Browser 2021 Video: New features in MG-SOFT NETCONF Simulator 2021 More news > > > Products & Services MG-SOFT Corporation provides major IT companies, numerous government agencies as well as numerous universities and other institutions worldwide with a...