代码如下: da=netCDF4.Dataset('chl_ceshi.nc','w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')da.createDimension('lons',len(y[0]))# 创建坐标点da.createDimension('lats',len(x))lon_var=da.createVariable("lon",'f8',(('lats','lons')))#添加coordinates 'f'为数据类型,不可或缺lon_var.units='degree'l...
NETCDF3_CLASSIC是原始的netcdf二进制文件,此格式文件大小不能超过 2 G;V3.6版本库引入了NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET格式,从而使其大小可以超过 2 G;NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA是V4.4.0版本库引入的,其扩展了NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET格式,从而可以支持无符号64位整型数据及64位维度大小;NETCDF3_64BIT是NETCDF3_64BIT_OFF...
删除投影 单变量存取 In [25]: import xarray as xr import os from netCDF4...'、'NETCDF4_CLASSIC'、'NETCDF3_64BIT' 或 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC') 默认为 'NETCDF4' :param...', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT' 或 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC',默认为 'NETCDF4' :param group: 组名,默认为 ...
从python创建或打开netCDF文件,只需调用Dataset函数。如果mode='w', 'r+'或'a',则可以写入任何类型的数据,包括新维度、组、变量和属性。netCDF文件有五种模式(NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET, NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA, NETCDF4_CLASSIC,和NETCDF4)。 outfile = "test_out.nc"fw=nc.Dataset(outfile...
Dave Brown of NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory has developedPyNIO, a Python package that allows read and/or write access to a variety of data formats using an interface modeled on netCDF. Currently supported formats include netCDF classic, netCDF-4 classic model, HDF4, GR...
Changed behavior of string attributes so thatnc.stringatt = ['foo','bar']produces an vlen string array attribute in NETCDF4, instead of concatenating into a single string (foobar). In NETCDF3/NETCDF4_CLASSIC, an IOError is now raised, instead of writingfoobar. ...
I write a code to create a classic netCDF file. When I run it, I met the error that Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Work\netCDF\test.py", line 67, in solids_total_suspended._FillValue = -9999. File "netCDF4.pyx", line 2698, i...
nscens = len(scens)ifhasscenelse0ntime =Nonewithnc(filename,'w', format ='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')asf: f.createDimension('time', ntime) timevar = f.createVariable('time','i4','time') timevar[:] = time timevar.units = tunits
root group (NETCDF3_CLASSIC data model, file format NETCDF3): activity_id: obs4MIPs comment: Since long time, climate modellers use ensemble approaches to calculate the ensemble median and to estimate uncertainties of climate projections where ...
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'> root group (NETCDF3_CLASSIC data model, file format NETCDF3): title: GRUN version: GRUN 1.0 meteorological_forcing: GSWP3 temporal_resolution: monthly spatial_resolution: 0.5x0.5 crs: WGS84 proj4: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ...