(1)解压源代码netcdf-fortran-4.6.1.zip到D:\software\netcdf-fortran-4.6.1\source (2)打开 Intel oneAPI command prompt for Intel 64 for Visual Studio cd D:/software/netcdf-fortran-4.6.1\ (3)用cmake生成项目 新建目录Release cmake -S source -B build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RELE...
2、 将 netcdf.dl拷l贝到“C:\WINDOWS\system32\ ”下。(注意:此乃 windows 系统文件夹) 3、 以 CVF 6.6为例,作一说明。首先,打开 tools下 option;s A) 选择 Dircetori;es B) 按照下面三幅图分别设置:Include fi、leEsxecutable fi、leLsibrary fi。l(es注意红色下划线标注的地方)。(目前 netcdf库...
222、、、将将将netcdf.dllnetcdf.dllnetcdf.dll拷贝到“拷贝到“拷贝到“C:\WINDOWS\system32\C:\WINDOWS\system32\C:\WINDOWS\system32\”下。”下。”下。(注意:此乃(注意:此乃(注意:此乃windowswindowswindows系统文件夹)系统文件夹)系统文件夹)333、、、以以以CVF 6.6CVF 6.6CVF 6.6为例,...
I have the Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011 (and Visual studio 2010) and I am trying to find the folwing libraries for this compiler, on computers running under Windows 7 system: pre-compiled versions of NETCDF4 and HDF-EOS static libraries. Unidata i...
Yes, I have - there is/was a problem on Windows, but I have been able to solve that. The problem is in netcdf-4.3.2\netcdf-config.cmake.in - I have a small batch file to automate the whole process. When building the library with Intel Fortran you ne...
configurations for automatic building using freely available continuous integration services. Thanks to the awesome service provided byAzure,GitHub,CircleCI,AppVeyor,Drone, andTravisCIit is possible to build and upload installable packages to theconda-forgeanaconda.orgchannel for Linux, Windows and OSX ...
Fortran读取netcdf文件的全部资料,包括帮助说明,源码和必要的dll库等,物超所值! 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 u013077940 2018-03-05 14:19:15 评论 学习一下!pengfukai 2014-06-10 20:21:38 评论 好像windows用不了啊...
The reason I switch to Intel Fortran is because my Compaq Fortran is not compatible to Windows 7 64 bit. My Intel Fortran comes with Microsoft Visual Statio 2005 (Bought this license several years ago). There are warning message when I install MVS 2005, but the compiler command (ifort)...
Yes, I have - there is/was a problem on Windows, but I have been able to solve that. The problem is in netcdf-4.3.2\netcdf-config.cmake.in - I have a small batch file to automate the whole process. When building the library with Intel Fortran you ne...
Yes, I have - there is/was a problem on Windows, but I have been able to solve that. The problem is in netcdf-4.3.2\netcdf-config.cmake.in - I have a small batch file to automate the whole process. When building the library with Intel Fortran you nee...