(1)解压源代码netcdf-fortran-4.6.1.zip到D:\software\netcdf-fortran-4.6.1\source (2)打开 Intel oneAPI command prompt for Intel 64 for Visual Studio cd D:/software/netcdf-fortran-4.6.1\ (3)用cmake生成项目 新建目录Release cmake -S source -B build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RELE...
2、将netcdf.dll拷贝到“C:\WINDOWS\system32\”下。(注意:此乃windows系统文件夹) 3、以CVF 6.6为例,作一说明。 (1)首先,打开tools下options; A)选择Dircetories; B)按照下面三幅图分别设置:Include files、Executable files、Library files。(注意红色下划线标注的地方)。(目前netcdf库还不能用于64位系统,...
o $@ $(LIB) $(OBJ90) $(F90) $(FFLAGS_PFM) $(LIB) -c -o $@ $< 在使用gfortran编译的windows但是,如果我将NUMLOOPS值更改为小于260000左右的任何值,程序就可以正常运行。类似地,大约1000x1000的矩阵会崩溃(实际上,任何超过5 浏览0提问于2012-04-23得票数 2...
The referenced issue is marked forv1.5.3, and there is already a related pull request. Maybe this will work with the next release that is hopefully coming soon. jaimergpmentioned this issueMay 17, 2020 Windows attemptconda-forge/ambertools-feedstock#34 ...
windows和Linux系统下都能读写nc文件,但是在windows下需要编译好与编译器同样版本的nc库文件,很明显,我这么菜肯定弄不出来,只好转战Linux系统了。希望有会在windows系统下用Fortran读nc文件的小伙伴可以不吝赐教。 Linux系统读nc文件的方法我是从fvcom源代码里学到的,自己理了一下思路,具体代码如下:(本人逻辑思维很...
I have the Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011 (and Visual studio 2010) and I am trying to find the folwing libraries for this compiler, on computers running under Windows 7 system: pre-compiled versions of NETCDF4 and HDF-EOS static libraries. Unidata i...
Windows上源码编译netcdf-C++网格模型解析库及其依赖库 上传者:m0_46541374时间:2024-04-22 netcdf-c- netcdf的c库,适用于linux64位系统(32位未知) 上传者:u011510965时间:2015-12-08 netcdf- 库文件 linux下的 netcdf库文件,支持netcdf库, hdf5/zlib 等依赖库都包含在内。 解压后...
7. The above log file only contains "The system is: Windows - 10.0.19042 - AMD64"8. Reverting to explicitly targeting VS 2019:cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A "Win64" --build . ..\netcdf-fortran-4.5.3-->Failed to run MSBuild command:C:/Prog...
Intel_Visual_Fortran_Compiler_11.1.067_Windows_Downloadly.ir.rar 上传者:chunyangsuhao时间:2019-05-26 c2f.zip_C++转Fortran_C转Fortran_c2f.zip_fortran转c C转fortran的一个工具,将C程序放到文件夹中,再运行程序 上传者:weixin_42659252时间:2022-09-23 ...
compiled on Windows using Visual Studio 2012+ Intel(R) Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 Update 3 (14.0.0092.11)Author arthurvd commented Jun 21, 2018 @edhartnett @WardF Would be great if you could shed light on part of the above questions. Specifically: the above code from fortran/ne...