MariaDB backups does not always return the correct error code. At times, NetBackup returns status 0 even when job fails. 4015947, version 3 The EEB bundle contains fixes for Cloud Catalyst issues on NetBackup 4016062 Accelerator Forced rescan backup completed with status 1. There...
Code 5, or Error (-1), when the host name of the SQL Server or the SQL Server database name has trailing spaces 236 A move operation fails with Status Code 5, or Error (-1), when the SQL Server host name, the database name, or the database logical name has trailing spaces 237...
Dum the parameter array to provide more information: Error 112 from VSP_Prepare 原因:由于客户端上没有足够的可用磁盘空间来 VSP 快照缓存文件,因此 无法为备份启用 VSP 。 释放正在备份的卷上的磁盘空间。 第三则消息: 如果 卷影 服务 (VSS) 用作Windows Open File Backup 快照提供 程序,而且快照创建失败...
After some tcpdumping and manual tests, I figured out that check_tcp on port 13720 is causing these critical errors in the logs (Reports). It seems that check_tcp is submitting code to this port which can't be handled on the target side which then result in errors in the ...
ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text: Backup file </c-3201563006-20141026-02> not found in NetBackup catalog 解决方法: 异机环境的 oracle 软件属组。用户是否与源环境一致? 这里的一致包含user id ,group id 也是要一样的 ...
摘要 VMware snapshot job fails with error code 4277 if the datastore name contains a colon character 描述 In NetBackup 8.1, VMware snapshot job may fail with error code 4277 if the datastore name contains a colon character (":") Error Message Virtual machine path contains unsupported characters...