2021年2月25~26日にかけてオンラインでLIVE配信された、国内最大級のデータ活用イベント「NetApp INSIGHT Japan」。ニューノーマル時代のビジネスに不可欠なDX/クラウド/AI/データ活用といったキーワードをもとに、最前線で活躍する講演者たちにより最新のテクノロジー/サービス/ソリューシ...
"We have to work with technology that we can deploy ourselves, run where we decide, and not necessarily anywhere, and that can survive for long periods of time disconnected from a cloud. For us, that's probably been one of the bigger cybersecurity challenges: how do we maintain security,...
INSIGHT 2024 cybersecurity panel 202417m Movie Secure your storage with NetApp's built-in AI-powered ransomware protection 20241m 12sMovie The criticality of visibility and data classification 202411m Movie Constant change requires flexibility and agility by design 20245m 6sMovie Rapid orchestrated reco...