the transition to Net Zero FIND OUT MORE Powering the Green Recovery FIND OUT MORE Fuelling a cleaner tomorrow FIND OUT MORE The North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub – a collaboration of six Combined Authorities accelerating the transition to ‘Net Zero’ and a future of clean growth throu...
油气巨头BP、埃尼、挪威国油、壳牌、道达尔和英国国家电网携手打造新的伙伴关系,成立Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP)项目,以BP为运营商,在英国北海开发海上二氧化碳运输和储存基础设施。 BP于近日解释道,这一基础设施将服务于Net Zero Teesside(NZT)和Zero Carbon Humber(ZCH)项目。通过这些项目,英国将在Teesside和...
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