Emissions management is about making the invisible, visible – by advancing new technologies to detect and eliminate leaks. Our emissions reduction commitments are integral to regular business planning and operations, and interim goals and progress toward our net-zero ambition are yielding...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 外语学习--英语读物 系统标签: reportnetzeroemissionscarbondioxideoninterviews NetZero ReadinessR eport2023 KPMGESG kpmg/NZRR Quickreaderguide03 Foreword05 Keyinsightsandobservations06 Globalsectorsummaries10 Economy11 Electricity14 Transport16 Industry20 Agriculture25 Count...
《净零排放:成本与回报》the net-zero transition-report-jan-2022 -麦肯锡.doc,Executive summary The net-zero transition What it would cost, what it could bring McKinsey Global Institute in collaboration with McKinsey Sustainability and McKinsey’s Global E
"As we launch this report,Spotlight on Sustainability: Journey to Net-Zero, it provides an important opportunity to reflect on the profound importance of climate issues and the imperative for concerted action on a global scale. ...
净零排放(Net zero)意思是,指在特定的一段时间里,大气内的温室气体(Greenhouse gases, GHG)人类增加或人为移除的温室气体量相抵销后,结果为零的平衡。温室气体至少包含7 种,除了我们熟知且对环境危害最大且数量最多的二氧化碳(CO2),还有甲烷(CH4)、一氧化二氮(N2O)、氢氟碳化合物(HFC)、全氟化碳(PFC)、六氟...
Of course there are differences, as Facebook users do not pay (contrary to the ISP's subscribers), and even uniform advertising rates would be positive (while, under NN, termination fees are set as zero). Still, the analogy lies in an economic environment with a multi-sided platform and ...
“In this report, we show the progress we have made towards becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050, as we continue to supply the vital energy the world needs during a time of great volatility," said Wael Sawan, Shell's Chief Executive Officer...
NetZero Insider Email Archive This Week @NetZero Insider EVs &TransportationIntelligence Report Land, Buildings& IndustryIntelligence Report Policy & ImpactsIntelligence Report ResourcesIntelligence Report Building Decarbonization EVgo LPO Announces $1.25B Loan to Help EVgo Install 7,500 Fast Cha...
Achieving the net-zero goal requires achieving a complex technological and societal transformation on an ambitious time line: value chains have to be restructured, the power-sector transformation has to be further accelerated, we need to transition to emissions-fre...
September 2023.If achieving the first of those objectives risks compromising the other three, momentum toward net zero could be derailed. In this report, we outline principles that can guide stakeholders in addressing all four objectives simultaneously—and even help accelerate the pr...