Net-Zero Tracker 2024 We periodically put out this report called the net-zero tracker, and it examines the progress by the world’s listed companies toward curbing climate risk. This episode is a dive into the most important bits of that report. Loading Net-Zero Tracker 2024......
Net Zero Tracker也建立了新的化石燃料指標,主要關注化石燃料的開採和使用,以確保達到國際能源機構和聯合國專家組的報告要求,包括5個關鍵要素:(1)不再開設新的煤礦或擴建礦區;(2)不再建設新的燃煤發電廠;(3)實現完全停用燃煤發電;(4)結束新油氣田的勘探和儲量擴大,以及(5)逐步淘汰石油和天然氣生產。 然而,根據...
今年做出气候承诺的全球上市公司数量稳步增长,但仅有17%的公司的气候目标与《巴黎协定》中的目标一致,即把全球气温上升幅度控制在1.5摄氏度以内。 根据MSCI发布的净零追踪报告(Net-Zero Tracker),全球近一半(44%)的上市公司已设定脱碳目标,这比去年的高出八个百分点。不过,这不一定意味它们都在充分解决碳强度的问题。
The MSCI Sustainability Institute Net-Zero Tracker indicates the collective progress of the world's listed companies toward curing climate risk. The report, which highlights companies' alignment with global climate goals based on a series of indicators used by participants across capital markets, offers...
1 2 Important information This document is not directed at or intended for any person (or entity...
尽管在过去两年中设立净零排放目标的国家、地区、城市和公司的数量呈大幅增加,但其中大多数甚至没有达到联合国在其“奔向零碳”(Race to Zero)行动中定义的实现承诺的起点标准。“净零追踪”(Net Zero Tracker)项目负责人John Lang表示,几乎在每一例中,制定可行战略的方向上“根本毫无进展”。(参考文献:Net Zero...
Notes:In Ukraine’s2030 economic strategyin March 2021, the country outlined its plans to achieve carbon neutrality “no later than 2060.” Under current plans, Ukraine is only on track to reach net zero emissions by 2070, according toClimate Action Tracker. The country will need to accelerate...
–Lenora Bowen, Cylinder Zero In October 1926, Prohibition-era bartender Lenora Bowen started making a series of wax cylinder recordings. Her primary goal? To document the paranormal activity she’s facing in St Augustine, and possibly even capture proof that she’s not crazy, etched in wax....
"Unfortunately, this is not the way the world’s grids are set up. Most electrons flowing onto grids today come from carbon-intensive sources. Energy storage is extremely immature, and the grid infrastructure of today cannot efficiently respond to the varying production capa...
Mark Campanale, founder of the financial think-tank Carbon Tracker Initiative and a member of Gfanz’s advisory committee, said $130tn of assets was not “aligned with net zero today” but that “the ambition [was] for the assets to be aligned” in the future. ...