《淨零轉型路徑圖 Transform To Net Zero 》指南 微塑料:大自然的考題,蓋亞正在測試人類 會發電的玻璃現世!Panasonic HD將鈣鈦礦太陽能融入建築與城市景觀© 2023 by NET ZERO INNOVATION
自2007年提赛德大学校园建设投资累计近6亿英镑,被国际学生评为基础设施全英第一!2017年提赛德大学推出的10年校园建设计划,Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre(NZIIC)是众多项目之一,将于今年4月投入使用,现已进入封顶阶段。 提赛德大学投...
提赛德大学投资1310万英镑建设Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre(NZIIC),从Tees Valley市长和联合管理局以及欧洲区域发展基金获得了520万英镑的资金。该大楼将支持清洁能源的持续发展,由此提赛德大学将成为英国绿色工业革命的中心。现NZIIC开展了氢能创新项目,这是提赛德大学和达勒姆大学之间的一项开创性合作,旨在促进...
The Net Zero Technology Centre is developing and deploying technologies for an affordable net zero energy industry.
CEO of the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers. “The last few months we have spent time gathering information and reaching out to partners. Now we are ready to move ahead with the first projects within the heat reuse domain. This is a very exciting time for the industry, and we ...
Explore The Future At Innovation Zero: Energy Transition & Net Zero Congress 2025, Olympia London, 29th - 30th Apr. Discover Innovations. Register Interest!
As the largest European independent generator of onshore wind energy, we’re passionate about supporting the UK’s transition to net-zero carbon by using the latest tools, like SmartFlex to manage our assets and maximise their potential. Mark Jones Nadara Energy We are particularly pleased with...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Net Zero at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Net-zero innovation in industries Report Net-zero steel in building and construction: The way forward April 28, 2022 - Rising demand for greener approaches creates an imperative for the industry to seize the moment, adopt new mindsets, and set standards for the transition to a greener future...
The Food & Drink Federation’s recently launched Achieving Net Zero handbook The Environment Agency and University of Cambridge project on standardized metrics to help food and drink businesses with their environmental performance Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioC) case studies on agritech ...