The European Parliament (EP) has adopted its position on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) intended to bolster Europe's manufacturing output in technologies needed for decarbonization.
The Belgian Council Presidency and the negotiators of the EU Parliament have reached an agreement on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). The EU Commission presented this on March 14, 2023 in response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The aim is to strengthen Europe's leading role in...
The European Parliament’s industry committee voted on Wednesday (25 October) to put nuclear back on the list of technologies eligible for preferential treatment as Europe looks to reshore production of technologies deemed crucial for a net-zero world. The European Commission tabled its N...
According to green activists, the Parliament has “lost focus” in its quest to please everyone. “Changing the scope of the Net Zero Industry Act risks diverting taxpayers’ money from the key green technologies we need to decarbonise our industry,” said Camile Maury from WWF's EU policy...
International climate goals imply reaching net-zero global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by roughly mid-century (and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the century). Among the most difficult emissions to avoid will be those from aviation given the industry’s need for energy-dense...
The net zero transition is the transformational shift in the global economy needed to ensure atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are no greater than the amount of emissions removed. Multiple new regulatory proposals are making rapid progress in the EU as it seeks to lead the way on addres...
circular evolving Plan-Do-Check-Act management systems approach described in ENERGY STAR®Guidelines for Energy Management129. To achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, society needs a coordinated investment in research, sharing of best practices, and joint deployment. Net-zero water sectors can...
Action Plan for Action Plan for Power Sector Decarbonisation: Planning NET ZERO GROWTH PLAN: KEY ELEMENTS United Kingdom The Net Zero Growth Plan focusses on how the UK is bolstering our delivery of Net Zero Growth. This plan: Explores how we can achieve net zero in the most pro-growth...
Net-Zero-The-UKs-contribution-to-stopping-global-warming 英国对阻止全球变暖的贡献为零.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Net Zero The UKs contribution to stopping global warming Committee on Climate Change May 2019 Net Zero: The UK’s contribution to stopping global...
4.3. Net-Zero Strategies All Go8 universities have a net-zero target in the coming years. However, decarbonisation strategies—if they exist—have yet to have a significant impact on emissions, if emissions are calculated using a “location-based” methodology, as required by the NGER Act. ...