The road to net zero greenhouse gas emissions Mitigating the effects of climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our past, present, and future. We’re committed to taking urgent action within our four walls and across the value chain to ultimately reach net zero greenhouse gas emiss...
"Net zero greenhouse gas emissions this century a challenge to us all", CTO addressing climate change Ahmad O. Al-Khowaiter speaks at the Science and Technology in Society forum’s plenary session “Lights and Shadows of Energy and Environment.“ Al-Khowaiter spoke on the concept of a ...
SAN JOSE, Calif.—September 9, 2021— Today Cisco announced that it is committing to reaching net zero for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all scopes by 2040, 10 years ahead of when climate scientists say the planet must reach net zero to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. C...
Net zero emission means that all man-made greenhouse gas emissions must be removed from the a...
The transition to net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions will take trillions of dollars and several decades. Here’s how B2B leaders can extract maximum value from the journey. Article Delivering the climate technologies needed for net zero April 18, 2022- ...
⭐ greenhouse gas 温室气体; emission [ɪˈmɪʃn] 排放; tackle [ˈtæk(ə)l] v. 应付,解决; climate change 气候变化; do one’s bit 尽一份力; net zero “净零排放”(温室气体净排放为零); Net zero means not adding to the amount ofgreenhouse gasesin the atmosphere. Many...
IRVING, Texas – ExxonMobil today announced its ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions for operated assets by 2050, backed by a comprehensive approach to develop detailed emission-reduction roadmaps for major facilities and assets. ...
许多政府正在试图减少温室气体排放,以应对气候变化。但我们能否实现不产生任何多余排放的目标?本期 “随身英语” 探讨英国政府为达到 “净零排放(net zero)” 做出的种种举措。 词汇:climate 气候 We are all aware of the effect greenhouse gasemissionsis having on our planet and the efforts needed to tackle...
Until recently, electrified aircraft propulsion (EAP) technology development has been driven by the dual objectives of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and addressing the depletion of fossil fuels. However, the increasing severity of climate change, posing a significant threat to all life forms...
zero GHG emissions by 2050, referred to as the 2050 net-zero GHG objective [1]. This major shift has alerted the aviation electrification industry to consider the following: What is the clear path forward for EAP technology development to support the net-zero GHG objective for large commercial...