Net Zero Emissions,即净零排放,是指通过减少温室气体排放和采用碳清除技术,使人为活动产生的温室气体排放与清除量达到平衡,
net-zero carbon dioxide (co2) emissions术语 “Net-zero carbon dioxide emissions”是指设法减少二氧化碳排放,最终实现净零排放的目标。碳中和是指靠“抵消”来中和大气中二氧化碳的含量,即任何由公司、国家或个人活动产生的二氧化碳排放,都会被相等量的碳移除技术所抵消。这通常通过提高能源效率、发展可再生能源、植树...
Net-zero emissions means achieving a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and those taken out of the atmosphere.
net-zero carbon emissions The General Services Administration has sealed an unusual deal to guarantee achievement of net-zero energy consumption in a federal facility … Charles S. Clark especially, of buildings : producing enough energy (as through solar panels or passive heating) to offset any ...
"净零排放"(Net Zero Emissions)指的是通过减少温室气体排放,并通过森林碳汇、碳捕捉和存储技术等方法抵消任何剩余排放,从而使排放的净量达到零的过程。这意味着一个实体(可以是国家、地区、企业或个人)不增加大气中的温室气体总量。 "碳中和"(Carbon Neutrality)指的是通过减少二氧化碳排放和通过植树、可再生能源投资...
You’ll probably hear the term “net-zero emissions” a lot over the coming weeks as government leaders and CEOs under pressure talk about how they’ll reduce
(Exhibit 3). Given the net-zero emissions trajectory, however, these plants could not run as they do today. Thus, a mix of zero- or low-carbon fuels, such as hydrogen, biomethane, renewable natural gas, and ammonia, will likely be needed to provide peaking ...
Net zero is on everyone's lips nowadays. So what exactly does “net zero emission” mean? The IPCC demonstrates in its most recent report of 2023 that net emissions must be reduced to zero as soon as possible in order to stabilize global temperatures. The report also states that any scenar...
The meaning of NET-ZERO is resulting in neither a surplus nor a deficit of something specified when gains and losses are added together; especially, of buildings : producing enough energy (as through solar panels or passive heating) to offset any energy
Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Antonio Guterres said China has been essential to the global fight against climate change. He expected China to play a leadership role in international cooperation to encourage more developing countries to commit to net zero emi...