Net-zero emission targets for major emitting countries consistent with the Paris AgreementINDONESIABRAZILAFFORESTATIONACCOUNTING methodsCOUNTRIESGREENHOUSE gasesTRANSPORTATION industryZERO emissions vehiclesOver 100 countries have set or are considering net-zero emissions or neutrality targets. However, most of ...
Net-zero emissions means achieving a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and those taken out of the atmosphere.
Robeco signed the Net Zero Asset Manager Commitment in December 2020 and published a roadmap in October 2021 explaining how this can be achieved.2The roadmap is based on three pillars; decarbonizing all assets by an average of 7% a year; accelerating the transition through active ownership, a...
Australia has ratified the Paris Agreement, which aims to ‘strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change’ by limiting the increase in the
To reach the goals in the Paris Agreement, emissions need to be reduced by at least 40% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. This is essential for keeping global warming well-below 2°C, preferably under the 1.5°C mark. For SKF to be a part of reaching these goals we have set sci...
I recently attended an emission trading conference in Paris and like many such events in the EU now, one of the first items on the agenda (and in this case it was the first) was a presentation and discussion on the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The fact that the IRA isn’t an ...
Net zero is on everyone's lips nowadays. So what exactly does “net zero emission” mean? The IPCC demonstrates in its most recent report of 2023 that net emissions must be reduced to zero as soon as possible in order to stabilize global temperatures. The report also states that any scenar...
Demonstrate climate leadership today to secure a net zero future You can complement your science-informed emission reductions with a bespoke long-term program that takes your business to net zero and beyond, as well as carbon neutral on the way. ...
With our science-based net-zero target validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), we demonstrate our commitment to aligning our business activities with the 1.5°C decarbonization pathway. Siemens commits to... reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 90% by FY2030 and maintai...
View articles related to Net Zero certification and standards. Collated to help organizations with their carbon management, and net emissions.