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——净零排放(net-zero emission)的定义当一个组织的一年内所有温室气体(CO2-e,以二氧化碳当量衡量)排放量与温室气体清除量达到平衡时,就是净零温室气体排放。——气候中性(climate-neutral)的定义当一个组织的活动对气候系统没有产生净影响时,就是气候中性(或叫气候中立)。在气候中性的定义中,还必须考虑...
Zero emission refers to an engine, motor, process, or other energy source, that emits no waste ...
Net zero emission is a concept which is similar in theory to that of climate neutrality. The concept was borne out of the need to avert the worst climate impact. It refers to the system of reaching a net zero emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and other greenhouse gases in the...
Zero Emission Power architecture, real estate development and solar cogeneration systems for Net Zero Energy developments, buildings and homes.
$130 Trillion of financial assets have been committed to net-zero. Businesses and financial institutions in particular are moving from urgency to action since COP26. What we do Climate risk management Our experts help clients map out a strategy to manage thefinancial risks generated by climate ...
Danfoss is working to decarbonize the supply chain for some of the world’s most emission-heavy sectors with the help of McKinsey. Read full case study Scaling home solar from scratch A utility leader partnered with McKinsey to enable their successful extension into the home solar market. Withi...
Lines, or MOL, became the latest Japanese company to pursue 2050 carbon neutrality June 18, announcing it will deploy net-zero emission ocean liners in the 2020s and cut greenhouse gas emission intensity by 45% by 2035. MOL's move, which advances its June 2020 vision that aims to achieve...
Environmental sustainability is integral to GF’s long-term strategy. Committing to net zero builds on GF’s Sustainability Framework 2025, which has included SBTi-approved greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets since 2022. In 2023, GF made significant progress towards achieving these targets...