With innovation and sustainability at the heart of everything we do, we're committed to a net zero future by building a world for people and the planet.
Net Zero Is your organization ready for the journey to net zero and to take climate action? Climate change is the defining challenge of our lifetime and the transition to net zero will be the decisive event of our generation. Accelerating progress towards a more sustainable world is key to ...
Net Zero Is your organization ready for the journey to net zero and to take climate action? Climate change is the defining challenge of our lifetime and the transition to net zero will be the decisive event of our generation. Accelerating progress towards a more sustainable world is key to ...
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, requiring global mobilization, collaboration and action. The pathway to a net-zero future is narrow. If we are to succeed, it will require every one of us to play a role. Through our Climate Commitments and net-zero plan, ...
The concept of net-zero carbon emissions has emerged from physical climate science. However, it is operationalized through social, political and economic systems. We identify seven attributes of net zero, which are important to make it a successful framework for climate action. The seven attributes...
For Asia-Pacific, the journey to net zero could bring both challenges and rewards. McKinsey analysis highlights the transition’s socioeconomic effects—and the ways stakeholders might respond.
We work with companies including Microsoft, Aviva, Co-op, Sky, and BCG to help them on their journeys towards net zero. We help deliver the ‘net’ in net zero, building programs today that will remove emissions in the future and taking climate action on
The commitment to net zero has weakened in British politics, with economic conditions impacting political factors and leading to a more cautious approach to net zero in both major parties. This cautious approach risks the UK's reputation as a global climate leader and the e...
Stakeholders are demanding net zero alignment. Organizations and governments are facing expectations from investors, regulators, customers and society for a just transition to a low-carbon economy that incorporates climate justice and human rights. Climate-related risks and opportunities are transforming ...
Net zero greenhouse gas targets have become a central element for climate action. However, most company and government pledges focus on the year that net zero is reached, with limited awareness of how critical the emissions pathway is in determining the climate outcome in both the near- and lon...