The accelerator programme comprises three elements – i. net zero national roadmaps including emissions forecasts, reduction levers, policy needs and the industry commitment; ii. identification and funding exploration for large scale carbon cutting ‘Lighthouse’ Projects; and iii. policy dialogues with ...
The Net Zero Technology Centre is developing and deploying technologies for an affordable net zero energy industry.
Our Net Zero Accelerator Tool will help you understand how well net zero is embedded within your company and how you can improve your strategy. The tool looks at areas like: Calculating impacts Key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets Action planning Gaining commitment from the busi...
Mott MacDonald has been appointed by the Mayor of London’s office to deliver the Zero Carbon Accelerator, a programme aimed at helping organisations decarbonise and achieve London’s net zero target by 2030. Research commissioned by the Mayor of London shows that many organisations across Lo...
Leads the Firm’s Battery Accelerator Team; global colead for the McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies as well as our sustainability work within advanced industries in Europe Jesse Noffsinger Works with organizations to understand, drive, and prepare for the global energy transition, bringing deep...
Chapman Tripp is the first New Zealand law firm to sign up to the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance (NZLA) – a collaboration of top-tier law firms committed to accelerating the transition to net zero emissions by 2050.
* Partnership will commercialise and accelerate growth of net zero technologies * Cambridge-based accelerator will facilitate entry of SEA startups into UK market From the left: David Groom, Partner, Deeptech Labs, Dominic Johnson, Minister for Investment, Department for Business and T...
Unsere mehrjährigen, mehrere Millionen Pfund teuren Programme für Forschung, Entwicklung und Einsatz (FE&E) haben der Industrie greifbare Vorteile gebracht. In den ersten zehn Jahren seines Bestehens hat unser Offshore-Wind-Accelerator dazu beigetragen, die Energiekosten für ein durchschnittliches...
The European Journalism Centre, with funding from the News Integrity Initiative and Civil, launched a €1.7m Engaged Journalism Accelerator.
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