net user Administrator "adminPassWord" Execute the following command to disable the Administrator account on Windows 10/11: net user Administrator /active:no This command forces the user user1 to change the password at the next logon: net user user1 /logonpasswordchg:yes Create a user; the ...
if (!WebSecurity.UserExists(adminName)) { WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(adminName, "password"); Roles.AddUserToRole(adminName, adminRole); } This is a quick-and-dirty way to add the "Administrator" role and create a user for the role. 这是添加“Administrator”角色并为该角色创建用户的...
use admin db.createUser( { user: "admin", 数据库 操作系统 原创 xinjiatao 2023-10-09 10:14:59 77阅读 linux用户创建命令 Linux系统是一种开源的操作系统,广泛用于服务器环境和个人电脑。在Linux操作系统中,用户可以通过命令行界面来执行各种操作,包括创建新的用户账号。在Linux系统中,用户账号的管理是非常...
net use \\ip\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 建立IPC非空链接 net use h: \\ip\c$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 直接登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use h: \\ip\c$ 登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use \\ip\ipc$ /del 删除IPC链接 net use h: /del 删除映射对方到本地的为H:的映射 ne...
信息net share 查看本地开启的共享net share ipc$ 开启ipc$共享net share ipc$ /del 删除ipc$共享net share c$ /del 删除C:共享net user guest 12345 用guest用户登陆后用将密码改为12345net password 密码 更改系统登陆密码netstat -a 查看开启了哪些端口,常用netstat -annetstat -n 查看端口的网络连接情况,...
// allowed user can create and edit contacts that they create var managerID = await EnsureUser(serviceProvider, testUserPw, ""); await EnsureRole(serviceProvider, managerID, Constants.ContactManagersRole); SeedDB(context, adminID); } } private static async Task<string> EnsureU...
Read:Check if your User Account has Admin rights How to run cmd with administrator privileges in Windows 11? To run theCommand Prompt with administrator privilegein Windows 11, you can search outCommand Promptfrom the Start Menu, right-click on the available option, and select Run as administra...
// allowed user can create and edit contacts that they create var managerID = await EnsureUser(serviceProvider, testUserPw, ""); await EnsureRole(serviceProvider, managerID, Constants.ContactManagersRole); SeedDB(context, adminID); } } private static async Task<string> Ensur...
{// 创建角色 - Adminvarrole =newIdentityRole { Name ="Admin"}; roleManager.Create(role);// 创建超级用户 - savaruser =newApplicationUser { UserName ="sa", Email =""};stringuserPWD ="";varchkUser = userManager.Create(user, userPWD);// 指定超级用户的角色if...
[HUAWEI]ssh user admin123//创建SSH用户admin123[HUAWEI]ssh user admin123 service-type stelnet//配置SSH用户的服务方式为STelnet[HUAWEI]ssh user admin123 authentication-type password//配置SSH用户认证方式为password 使用Password认证方式时,需要在AAA视图下配置与SSH用户同名的本地用户。